Replacement Theory In Practice
May 27, 2022 • by Harvey Oxenhorn, Malwords Weekly
Replacement Theory In Practice
Turns Out Our Elites Have Been In The Business For A While
Power Linguistics
Last week the malword REPLACEMENT THEORY saw an uptick in the news corpus following the Buffalo supermarket atrocity, reaching a high of 36.8 WPM after being pronounced from a podium by Nancy Pelosi. Since then it has sunk back to its previous sub-one WPM levels.
But not before leaving us with a valuable insight into the linguistics of power.
There may well be a theory afoot positing open borders as a sinister plan to replace the white male. And the Left once again may well be accusing everyone else of what they themselves are up to. But all the fingerpointing does nothing to dent our longstanding replacement practice, of which Cancel Culture is the most recent manifestation.
Malwords, as we detail at Malwords Weekly, are keywords weaponized for information warfare. They function within public discourse as intellectual malware, verbal viruses designed to spread quickly for the purposes of a) silencing dissent through control of language, narrative, and speech, b) increasing public tolerance for government-sanctioned atrocity and c) emboldening officials to commit those acts of atrocity.
Malword strength is measured by their frequency of appearance in the published body of language (corpus), and expressed in words per million (WPM) linguistic units (words, numbers, symbols, acronyms, etc).
Malwords have useful lives, expiration of which creates linguistic vacuums that are filled— whether by design, accident, or by the invisible hand of globalist elites is a subject for robust theoretical discussion.
But we saw that replacement in robust practice on May 2, when the term ABORTION registered a huge spike following the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft of a majority opinion overturning Roe v Wade.

A Stake in the Flank
While pointing out the alacrity of all these articles may be indulging in conspiracy theory, the coincidence could not have been better timed. INFLATION had been on a steady rise, taking out VACCINE in March, then gunning for once-mighty PANDEMIC, when ABORTION staged a flank attack seemingly out of nowhere. The May Surprise has at least temporarily knocked the wind out of INFLATION, and set up a replacement malword with fresh legs, just in time for the midterm elections.
Whether by conspiracy or coincidence, ABORTION follows a pattern we’ve been seeing on a national scale since 1942. That’s when a campaign of powerful interest groups, politicians, bureaucrats and law enforcement officials coordinated with national media to mount a malwords campaign against Japanese-Americans. In the course of twenty-four months, 96% of US residents of Japanese descent were indefinitely locked into concentration camps without due process, their sons drafted to fight in the war, and their citizenship attacked in state-supported legal action that would end at the US Supreme Court.
If You Say It Enough Times, They All Go To Prison… Forever!
One of the key malword terms in the Japanese Mass Incarceration campaign was a combination of ENEMY ALIENS and the racial slur J*P. The campaign ran for two years with such devastating effect that many Japanese-Americans asked to remain in the concentration camps even after they were free to go, for fear of community hostility that made it dangerous to return home.
ENEMY ALIENS presents the classic three-phase malwords curve, characterized by an ominous rumbling (Pre-Curve), a sudden exponential rise and rapid drop (Curve), followed by a long, asymptotic decline (Post-Curve).

If we agree that three critical functions of malwords are per above a) silencing dissent, b) gaining public acceptance of atrocity and c) emboldening officials to commit atrocities, then a campaign can be seen as a kind of experimental procedure in which a malevolent physician puts the patient–in our case the body politic– at ease (Pre-Curve), immobilizes patient via anesthesia (Curve), and then performs malpractice upon the patient (Post-Curve).
That’s because most of the key outcomes from a malwords campaign come AFTER the public has been bombarded, browbeaten and narcotized into acceptance. This point of demarcation often shows up as a puzzling bump in the malwords graphs, which can be seen as a signal of transition to the Post-Curve phase.
Because Enough Is Never Enough
In the case of Japanese Mass Incarceration, the post-curve bump marks two simultaneous events: a) announcement by US Army that all Japanese-Americans had been evacuated from restricted areas, and b) filing of lawsuit Regan v King in Federal District Court to strip Japanese-Americans of citizenship. Both happened in June 1942.
Canceling was complete. Replacement had begun.
Regan was brought by Native Sons of the Golden West, a white supremacist group, represented by former California Attorney General Ulysses S. Webb, with support from future California governor and US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Regan was a landmark case of its time, as the replacement of birth-based citiizenship established in Wong KIm Ark fifty years earlier with race-based citizenship threatened to denaturalize not just Asian-Americans but African and Hispanic-Americans.
Regan would be turned back by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in February, 1943, appealed to the US Supreme Court in May, 1943, and denied hearing.
Judges at every level saw Regan for what it was– weaponzation of the law to punish a powerless opponent. Because for those who live by power, enough is never enough. It is not enough simply to imprison your opponent. You must imprison their families as well. You must incarcerate them indefinitely. You must draft their sons into battle on behalf of their parents’ jailers. Then they must be completely erased. And replaced.
That instinct to destroy, erase, and replace is alive and well today in those who seek to judge, privilege, and exclude based on skin color, sex, orientation, vaccine status, political belief, etc. Their language may have changed, but their words give them away. Especially when every day seems to bring yet another new malword in the same wolf’s clothing.
A couple of recent examples from recent headlines:

Going back to our headline chart, we can see PANDEMIC and VACCINE following the same three-phase curve… complete with Post-Curve bump!

Math for the Marketplace of Ideas
These patterns provide numerical insights into the lives of malwords in the marketplace of ideas. One consistent key indicator is the ratio of curve and post-curve areas. The closer this ratio gets to 1.0 (or above), the more effective the malword becomes as a vehicle for atrocity. Which makes a kind of perverted sense if you look at Curve Phase as the upfront investment, and Post-Curve as period of return on that investment.
Post-curve area ratios for CORONAVIRUS and LOCKDOWNS are 0.95 and 0.94, which makes sense as these malwords have become mantras for much of the devastation visited upon the world by public health officials over the past two years.
PANDEMIC has had the biggest impact, with a whopping 1.74 post-curve area ratio. Compare that to WWII-vintage ENEMY ALIENS, which clocks in at a mere 0.70, and one may wonder if there could be anything more heinous than incarcerating an entire population without due process and stripping them of citizenship based on their race.
There is. Headlines out of Geneva this past week tell us the World Health Assembly is deliberating the Biden regime’s proposed atrocity to strip all Americans of their sovereignty regardless of their race, and confine them forever to virtual COVID lockdown camps, unable to travel, work, shop, worship, attend graduations, weddings or funerals— all because a bureaucrat on the other side of the world pushes a button.
This is Regan v King on global scale. Hence the high-flying post-curve multiple.
VACCINE, on the other hand, turns in the worst performance at 0.27, evidenced just this past week at the WEF conventicle, where Moderna’s CEO lamented having to throw 30 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine in the garbage “because nobody wants them.”
Which is easy to see why given VACCINE’s weak malword performance. In addition to the lowest post-curve area ratio, VACCINE also has the lowest pre-curve area ratio at 5.26 (industry average is 80), meaning most of its rocket fuel got burned up in the pre-launch. Or was pretty low-octane (“safe and effective, safe and effective”…) to begin with.
Malwords Have Consequences
In this case, those consequences are a huge operating loss. Which begs the question–could they have known without 20-20 hindsight? There are a few potential indicators in the pre-curve phase. Keep in mind that we are looking for real-time indicators, and that pre-curves tend to be pretty short-lived, and thus do not yield a ton of data points to crunch on.
Average pre-curve duration is 79 days. So if you are not seeing that sustained 80+ degree-angle liftoff by Day 60, you can be pretty sure you are looking at a dud. If it launches in thirty days or less, chances are you’ve got a hit, but not a lot of data.
Pre-peak declines show some interesting patterns. Pre-peak declines are the amount of decline from the maximim Pre-Curve WPM before entering Curve Phase. Zero percent decline off peak (PANDEMIC, ENEMY ALIENS) is optimal; 50% is standard (CORONAVIRUS, LOCKDOWNS). VACCINE and ABORTION are 20% and 23% respectively off pre-peak. Why the inverted performance curve at this point remains unexplained. Need more data.
So what happens next and how do we begin to predict that? Zooming in on the above monthly chart for a daily view, we can see ABORTION nicely following the three-phase malword curve, and at least temporarily accomplishing its mission of keeping INFLATION at bay:

But what atrocities does this portend as we move into a summer complicated by multiple issues at global scale?
A three-phase analysis is not going to be terribly revealing as we are looking at only thirty days of data, twenty days of it meaningful. ABORTION is very fast out of the gate–one day– and post-curve area ratio is a respectable 0.58, putting it within range of ENEMY ALIENS (0.70).
Unreal Scenario, Won’t Be The First Time
The discussion becomes more significant– and potentially more ominous– if we take a step back and look at the ABORTION chart as a pre-curve trajectory.
The 2022 Supreme Court session ends late June/early July, bringing this pre-curve right to that sixty-day window, and on par with CORONAVIRUS and LOCKDOWNS. If, however, we compare the peak WPM value of 671 as a pre-curve peak, we are literally in uncharted and potentially unchartable territory.
Based on average multiples, we would be looking at peak Curve Phase WPM of 11,200, meaning the average news consumer would be hearing about ABORTION 225 times per day, or ten times an hour between June and March of next year.
That is unreal, and frightening. But we’ve seen some unreal and frightening things happen over the past twenty-four months. And it could happen with the WHO declaring a global health emergency with Roe v Wade appeal, and requiring PSA/Fact-Check captions on ABORTION rights attached to every piece of information consumed. Something not out of scope given the WHO’s degree of capture by the globalist elites.
This extreme scenario is likely offset by the aforementioned Pre-Peak Decline, which--if the daily graph of ABORTION is a Pre-Curve-— puts that decline at 87% instead of at 23%.
87% is a number we have never seen anywhere as a decline off pre-peak highs, and to which we can assign no significance, positive or negative.
Either way, an epic battle is shaping up.
And if doxxing Supreme Court judges was okay at 671 WPM, what happens at 11,000 WPM? Nothing good, as far as we can tell. But we have to follow the numbers while we can. And ask you to make your own decision. While you can.
Bottom line: language lies; words don’t; malwords always tell the truth.
For more detailed analysis on the fascinating mathematics of malwords and predictive lingustics,
Wow–Somebody needs a more productive hobby! The US Nissei got their “payback” in WWII with the noted exploits of the 442nd “Go For Broke!” regiment in Italy, the most highly decorated unit of the whole war. Their skill, courage & bravery are remembered this Memorial Day by many of us who remember as should the rest of the country.
Replacement theory isn’t about race, it’s about bringing in people who are compliant with tyranny.