No More Secrets!

Demand To Know What Our Delegates To The World Health Organization Are Doing
Please watch the video below…
Join our effort:

This is a sincere plea for help from people in every nation on earth.
At the moment, the WHO is keeping at least a couple of very big secrets.
Our “delegates” from around the world have submitted proposals regarding the “Pandemic Treaty” and they have also submitted proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
At the moment, the WHO and every other nation on earth are keeping these documents secret from “We the People.”
This is unacceptable.
I am asking for your help!
I have submitted a FOIA request here in the United States in an effort to obtain these documents. If you live in the United States, please do the same.
If you live in any country on earth, I humbly ask you to please submit a request to your government to reveal these secret documents to you and then share them with me so that I can share them with the world.
It’s really pretty easy to submit a request for information. Please help! Contact me directly at +1 310-619-3055 via text, phone, Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp or leave a comment below.

Open Letter to the World Health Organization:
We, the people of the world, demand transparency and a clear voice in the decisions that will impact our lives.
In April 2022, the WHO received 33,884 written public comments, the vast majority of which were against the negotiation and/or adoption of a legally binding Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument (CAII), commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
From September 9-16, 2022 the WHO requested that people from around the world submit 90 second videos as a form of public comment.
We, the people of the world, are clearly against giving the WHO any additional authority.
Watch the video comments HERE.
Listen to the audio comments HERE.
Read the written comments HERE.
During the 75th World Health Organization (May 22-28, 2022), the WHO directed the 194 member nations and the 393 “relevant stakeholders” to submit proposals to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” by September 15, 2022.
They also directed those same delegates to submit proposed amendments to the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) by September 30, 2022.
We demand full transparency.
We demand that the INB immediately publish all of the submissions/proposals made by the 194 member nations and any other communications that they may have received from the “relevant and other stakeholders” with regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
We also demand that the WGIHR and the recently formed International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) publish all of the submissions/proposals made by the 14 member nations and any other communications that they may have received from the “relevant and other stakeholders” with regards to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
We are well aware that the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body “decided” to negotiate a legally binding agreement commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” during secret meetings that were held on July 20-21, 2022.
We reject that secret agreement.
The general public has not had any input into any of these proposed amendments.
Ignoring the will of We the People is not acceptable!
We demand that the WGIHR and/or the IHRRC set up a reasonable facility through which the general public is able to comment upon the existing submissions and actually directly submit our own proposed amendments to the IHR.
We will never accept, nor will we ever comply with amendments to the International Health Regulations that are formulated in secret without input from We, the people of the world.
Without participation by We, the people of the world (the essential and ultimate stakeholders), any amendments, regulations, responses or declarations are null, void and unlawful since they are contrary to the sovereign powers of each of the nations impacted and their peoples.
We, the peoples of the sovereign nations of the world reject the WHO’s assumed authority and/or legitimacy to make any decisions, edicts, rules, regulations or recommendations pertaining to individual health and/or information sharing.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is ignoring the clearly stated desires of We, the people of the world.
We stand forthrightly against any attempts to violate our inalienable Rights and freedoms.
We do NOT want a “Pandemic Treaty.”
We will NOT accept a “Pandemic Treaty.”
Nor will we accept any amendments to the International Health Regulations that may be adopted in spite of our objections.
The WHO must cease and desist and end these secret negotiations that only seek to enhance and increase the WHO’s seemingly unquenchable thirst for control, and hunger for money.

Have any of the delegates from your country asked YOU for YOUR input before submitting these proposals to the WHO?
The delegates to the World Health Organization from each of the 194 member nations were instructed to submit proposals to the WHO regarding the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” by September 15, 2022.
The delegates to the World Health Organization from each of the 194 member nations were instructed to submit proposals to the WHO regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations by September 30, 2022.
NOW is the time to submit Freedom of Information requests demanding to know what our delegates have proposed in our name.
Suggested requests for information:
- Please provide a list of our nation’s delegates to the World Health Organization along with their official contact information.
- Please provide all communications between our delegates and the World Health Organization regarding proposals for the proposed Convention, Agreement or International Instrument (“Pandemic Treaty”).
- Please provide all communications between our delegates and the World Health Organization regarding proposals for amendments to the International Health Regulations.
- Please provide the communication from the World Health Organization to our delegates which includes the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that were submitted by 14 different member nations.

For your convenience, click on the links below to access the fundamental information regarding submitting requests for information from your government.
UNITED STATES State Department HHS MuckRock


Please read the article below…

Many thanks to Shabnam Palesa Mohamed for TAKING ACTION in South Africa!

Please Shabnam’s article below…

On October 15, 2022 I (James Roguski) personally submitted three separate FOIA requests:
- State Department
- Department of Health and Human Services (2)
On October 19, 2022 I personally submitted an additional FOIA request to the Department of Health and Human Services (3).

Below is the text of the first FOIA request that I submitted to the State Department on October 15, 2022.
I am requesting 4 categories of documents:
“Pandemic Treaty”
1. Any and all delegation of authority letters that would have specified negotiators that were authorized to participate in the ongoing negotiations with the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body of the World Health Organization in regards to the ongoing discussions working towards a legally binding Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument (CAII). This is commonly known as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
2. Any and all correspondence to and/or from the Office of the Legal Advisor of the State Department regarding the discussions between United States government officials and the World Health Organization in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” including Congressional notification. (Should they be considered as a treaty, Congressional Executive Agreement, Sole Executive Agreement, etc.)
Amendments to the International Health Regulations:
3. Any and all delegation of authority letters that would have specified negotiators that were authorized to participate in the ongoing negotiations with the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (a bureau of the World Health Organization that was formerly known as the Working Group for Pandemic Response – WGPR) in regards to the ongoing proposals for amendments to the International Health Regulations.
4. Any and all correspondence to and/or from the Office of the Legal Advisor of the State Department regarding the determination of the legal status of the discussions between United States government officials and the World Health Organization including Congressional notification. (Should they be considered as a treaty, Congressional Executive Agreement, Sole Executive Agreement, etc.)
I request a waiver of all fees for this request.
It is clear that negotiations are going on between the United States delegates and the World Health Organization. I have been unable to find any public information regarding the status of the negotiators participating in these discussions. I have been unable to find a delegation of authority letter from the Secretary of State to any other party authorizing them to participate in such negotiations on behalf of the United States as defined in the Foreign Affairs Manual:
I suggest contacting the office of the Legal Advisor to the Secretary of State.
I believe that the interest of We the People would be better served if Congress and the general public were able to view the requested information.
While HHS did not give me the option, the State Department FOIA system did enable me to save my request in digital format:

It took the State Department 6 days to tell me that it was going to take over 10 days more than the legally required 20 days to process my request.
They also told me that my request to wave the fees for the request did not meet their requirements, but it I cannot figure out how they could determine whether or not that would be the case until AFTER they viewed what was actually in the documents.

Below is the text of the FOIA request that I submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services:
I am requesting 4 categories of documents:
“Pandemic Treaty”
1. Any and all communications between officials in the Department of HHS, especially in the Office of Global Affairs, that would involve the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body of the World Health Organization in regards to the ongoing discussions towards a legally binding Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument (CAII). This is commonly known as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” The WHO had instructed delegates to submit proposals prior to September 15, 2022.
2. Any and all correspondence between members of the HHS to and/or from the Office of the Legal Advisor of the State Department regarding the discussions between United States government officials and the World Health Organization in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” including Congressional notification. (Should these discussions be considered as a treaty, Congressional Executive Agreement, Sole Executive Agreement, etc.)
Amendments to the International Health Regulations:
3. Any and all communications between officials in the Department of HHS, especially in the Office of Global Affairs, regarding the ongoing negotiations with the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) – a bureau of the World Health Organization that was formerly known as the Working Group for Pandemic Response – WGPR – in regards to the ongoing proposals for amendments to the International Health Regulations.
4. Any and all correspondence between members of the HHS to and/or from the Office of the Legal Advisor of the State Department regarding the determination of the legal status of the discussions between United States government officials and the World Health Organization, including Congressional notification. (Should these negotiations be considered as a treaty, Congressional Executive Agreement, Sole Executive Agreement, etc.)

RE: Request Number 2023-00061-FOIA-OS
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email and also to acknowledge that fulfilling the request may take longer than expected.
You wrote:
“Because you seek records which require a search in another office, “unusual circumstances” apply to your request, automatically extending the time limit to respond to your request for ten additional days. See 5 U.S.C. 552 § (a)(6)(B)(i)-(iii) (2012 & Supp. V. 2017). Further, we estimate needing more than 10 additional days to respond to your request…”
I understand the need for additional time and I do not wish to change my request. I am willing to wait the extra time for a thorough search to be done.
Thank you in advance.

Below is the text of the (SEEMINGLY SIMPLE) second FOIA request that I submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services on October 15, 2022:
“Please provide a current list of the delegates, alternates and advisors to the World Health Organization.”


October 17, 2022
Dear Ruhma:
RE: 2023-00062-FOIA-OS
Thank you for your quick response to my FOIA request.
However, the response was less than hoped for.
I am very aware of the list of past delegates to previous World Health Assemblies. The link that you provided does lead to this document
which lists the delegates to the World Health Assembly that occurred in 2020.
I was well aware of this outdated information.
The most recent version of that link
merely lists the delegates to the previous World Health Assembly.
The WHO website link for the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023 is unavailable:
and it is not likely to be available until after the 76th WHASS has already begun.
I am requesting the list of names and official contact information for the delegates, alternates and advisors that are representing us now.
The first meeting of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations is scheduled for November 14-15, 2022.
I am requesting the names and official contact information for the delegates, alternates and advisors who are scheduled to attend this WGIHR meeting as representatives of the people of United States.
The third meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body of the WHO is scheduled for December 5-7, 2022.
I am requesting the names and official contact information of the delegates, alternates and advisors who are scheduled to attend this INB meeting as representatives of the people of United States.
The names and contact information of the members of the delegation to these scheduled WHO events should be readily available to the general public, but unfortunately, this information is not publicly available.
That is why it was necessary to submit a FOIA request in order to obtain this information.
Your job would be much easier if the Department of HHS maintained a list of the current delegation to the WHO.
Thank you very much for your time.
James Roguski

Below is the text of the third FOIA request that I submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services on October 19, 2022:
I request that all 14 of the submissions with proposed amendments (described below) to the International Health Amendments be provided in response to this FOIA request.
On October 6, 2022 the International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) clearly stated that 14 nations had submitted proposed amendments to the IHR prior to September 30, 2022.
The WHO document states:
“(c) to invite proposed amendments to be submitted by 30 September 2022, with all such proposed amendments being communicated by the Director-General to all States Parties without delay;”
“As of 30 September 2022, the following 14 States Parties submitted proposals for amendments to the IHR, of which four did so also on behalf of other States Parties – Armenia; Bangladesh; Brazil; Czech Republic on behalf of the Member States of the European Union; Eswantini on behalf the WHO African Region Member States; India; Indonesia; Japan; Namibia; New Zealand; Russian Federation on behalf of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union; Switzerland; United States of America; and Uruguay on behalf of MERCOSUR.”
The above quotes are from page 2 of the document below:
In the last line of the WHO’s public announcement of the IHRRC, the following statement was made:
“The WHO Director-General will transmit to Member States, through Circular Letter, the above-mentioned proposals in the six official languages as soon as these are translated.”
Therefore, the U.S. delegation to the WHO should have in their possession communication(s) from the WHO which includes the 14 proposed amendments.
Xavier Becerra, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is the Chief Delegate to the WHO for the United States.
The United States is one of the 14 countries listed as having submitted proposed amendments to the IHR.
I request that all 14 of the submissions with proposed amendments (described below) to the International Health Amendments be provided in response to this FOIA request.

Please visit these pages for additional information:
International Health Regulations (2005) PDF:
Working Group for Amendments to the IHR
IHR Review Committee
Working Draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty”
Intergovernmental Negotiating Body

This is the 39th article in this series.
- Pandemic Treaty
- The People’s Treaty
- Speaking Truth To Power
- WAKE UP and Smell the Burning of Our Constitution
- Abolish the WHO
- Pandemic Mitigation Project
- An Open Letter to the WHO
- Multilingual information regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
- THEY will control nothing, and WE will be free
- URGENT: Speak Your Mind NOW
- Turn up the Heat
- We’ve Got Our Eye On WHO
- Get the United States OUT of the United Nations and The World Health Organization A.S.A.P.
- What is the government of the United Kingdom hiding?
- #ScrewTheWHO
- Speak Your Mind
- The Pandemic is Over
- WHO: Informal Focused Consultation #1
- I thought the Lancet was a medical journal
- Email and Call Your Delegate
- World Health Organization Virtual Press Conference on Global Health Issues
- Help Wanted Analyzing WHO Public Comments
- World Health Organization Public Hearings
- The Second WHO Informal Focused Consultation
- The People’s Amendments to the International Health Regulations

by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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