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February 19, 2024

“Coddling Children is Dangerous and It Needs to Stop”

Kate Hildreth is joined by her brother, former Army Specialist Diego Melgoza. Hildreth and Melgoza discuss the lack of discipline and the toll that “coddling” is taking on young generations. From technology and social media to “relaxed parenting,” Melgoza argues that young people have lost self-confidence, social skills, and the …

February 16, 2024

Representing DailyClout in Brazilian Senate with Health Minister

Brazilian Senator Eduardo Girão invited Dr. Chris Flowers, MD, Medical Lead of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Document Research Volunteers, to testify about mandated COVID-19 vaccination of children before Brazil’s Senate on February 26, 2024. Those present in the chamber will include Senators in Brazil’s Parliament and Brazil’s Health Minister, Nísia Trindade, …

February 16, 2024

A Wuhan in Your Backyard? More Than 200 Dangerous Biolabs Right Here in the US

  Think that the next Wuhan could never happen here in the US? Think again. A shocking discovery was made recently in California, where an illegal Chinese-owned biolab was discovered. Thousands of viles, some bearing the names “HIV” and “Ebola” were discovered in the illegal lab along with thousands of …

February 16, 2024

The Big Table: “MRNA Vaccine Injuries, Clean Elections, and Holding the Government Accountable”

DailyClout presents ‘The Big Table,’ a platform featuring roundtable discussions with DailyClout’s star columnists. In this debut episode, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Shannon Joy, and Brian O’Shea cover a range of topics from how to obtain justice for the mRNA vaccine-injured, election transparency, and how to hold our government accountable. …

February 16, 2024

“Billboard Chris Elston Warns Against ‘Irreversible Harms’ of Gender Ideology to Young Children”

On this episode of ‘Did She REALLY Say That?’ Shannon Joy is joined by Chris Elston “Billboard Chris,” who is spreading awareness of the danger of puberty blockers and the “irreversible harm” being done to children with or without parental consent. Elston explains the physical and psychological harm that, in …

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