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March 21, 2024

“BioDefense” Film Predicts New Threats

The Australian-based Substack DEMOCRACYMANIFEST just published a report on a trailer for a new film titled “BioDefense,” produced by the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense. This Commission is composed of the various Washington D.C. career politicians who are strongly aligned with various players and institutions in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. It’s now been …

March 20, 2024

“The GREATEST Crime Against Humanity Explained By True Crime Author – John Leake” Shannon Joy is joined by John Leake – Dr. Peter McCullough’s co-author of Courageous Discourse and true crime historian. He brings urgency and historical reference to the truly extraordinary and horrifying times we live in! The battle has JUST begun.   Please Support Our Sponsors The Wellness Company: Use …

March 20, 2024


Millions of Americans understand why it is so important to be prepared. It is why so many Americans have stockpiled guns, ammo, food, and other supplies. We know that the next crisis is just around the corner, and we know – sadly – that we simply can’t just trust the …

March 19, 2024

Excerpt From “Dissidently Speaking: Change the Words. Change the War” From Human Event’s Brent Hamachek

A new book from Human Event’s Brent Hamachek titled Dissidently Speaking: Change the Words. Change the War, is a collection of both updated previously published content, with worldwide readership and academic acclaim, combined with new material that addresses the conflict within society, the conflict between individuals, and the conflict inside …

March 19, 2024

“The Answer to Population Control is Hidden in Plain Sight”

Big Pharma. Abortion. Child Transition. Experimental Vaccines. Gender Ideology. Smart Cities. Pandemic Lockdowns. Assisted Suicide. Pornography. Media Censorship. Climate Change. Harm Reduction. Secularism.    You may recognize these as features of far-left ideology, also known as leftism, progressivism, wokeism, or neo-Marxism.    But they are also components of something far …

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