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July 23, 2020

The Crash of Flight 3804: A Daughter’s Loss Becomes An Expose of “Pipeline Politics

Death has a way of awakening the consciousness of those confronting it. Today, veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are beginning to face the ultimate question: did we sacrifice American blood and treasure for oil? Leaders of two veterans’ groups, VoteVets and the more conservative Concerned Veterans for …

July 22, 2020

Bulletin Board: New Graphic Novel Shakes Up Nation’s Torpor, Rousing Readers to Act for a Better Democracy

A new nonfiction graphic novel, Unrig: How to Fix Our Broken Democracy by Daniel G. Newman with art by George O’Connor, was released today by First Second of Macmillan publishing. The book documents key problems in American democracy — from the corrosive influence of money in politics, to voter suppression, …

July 21, 2020

What Does Disappearing Immunity To Covid-19 Mean For A Vaccine?

The first results of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine trials were officially published Tuesday and the news was good—patients injected with the mRNA-based vaccine produced antibodies that fight the Covid-19 virus. Just how good is this good news? That depends on whether or not you accept the fundamental assumption underlying this generation of Covid-19 …

July 20, 2020

Cutting-Edge Inquiries from the Worlds of Science and Medicine

Lessons for COVID-19 from the Early Days of AIDS A pioneer in the fight against HIV reflects on the dangers of excess optimism about a coronavirus vaccine Thirty-six years ago, we were, like today, in the midst of a new and still somewhat mysterious global pandemic. In the U.S. alone, more …

July 20, 2020

Bulletin Board: Tali Farhadian Weinstein For Manhattan DA

Hi Naomi, Since we launched our campaign to build a more fair New York on Monday, so much has happened. I want to make sure you have the opportunity to follow along! If you have a moment, please: Follow the campaign on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Check out our campaign website. Watch our launch video …

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