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August 12, 2020

Federal Judge Sets Out to Bring Down Law Shielding Police From Legal Liability

Truthout As the Massachusetts legislature debates whether to water down its qualified immunity defense, a federal judge in Mississippi filed a stunning 72-page opinion blasting the doctrine. Qualified immunity has entered the national discourse with the massive uprisings in the wake of the public lynching of George Floyd. It allows police and …

August 7, 2020

Opinion: Why we Need – Yes, Still! — The ERA

A recent poll found that 80% of people think women in America already enjoy full legal equality, but the truth is women have never enjoyed legal equality because they were intentionally left out of the Fourteenth Amendment when it was adopted in 1868. The Fourteenth Amendment is what guarantees Americans …

August 4, 2020

What If There’s No COVID Vaccine?

NEW YORK – When it comes to ending the COVID-19 crisis, our experience beating back HIV/AIDS can teach us much. Above all, it was never clear during that earlier pandemic whether we could count on an eventual vaccine to be part of the solution. In our efforts to overcome today’s …

July 26, 2020

Black Lives Matter Chicago Sues to Prevent Occupation by Trump’s Paramilitaries

Truthout Taking a page from Hitler’s Brownshirts, Donald Trump is sending his secret paramilitary forces into U.S. cities to terrorize the population. Ostensibly designed to “restore order” in the wake of massive uprisings against white supremacy and police brutality, this move appears to have a more cynical purpose lurking …

July 25, 2020

A Key To Understanding The Race For A Covid-19 Vaccine

Now is the time to prepare yourself for an incoming onslaught of Covid-19 vaccine news. With eight candidates already in human trials and almost 180 more in the wings, publications and press briefings touting progress will soon arrive wave after wave. In the face of so great an outpouring of …

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