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October 4, 2020

How Is This Very Real Pandemic Being Exploited By Powerful Interests?

In my Fascism 101 videos and blogs here, I’ve pointed out that there are many ways to shape the POLICIES in a crisis politically, that do not mirror the physical or medical nature of the crisis. This post is about how to think like a tyrant/political consultant/Master of the Universe …

October 2, 2020

To Contain Covid-19, Combine Mass Testing With Social And Economic Assistance

Several experts, myself included, have argued that cheap, widespread rapid testing is critical to containing the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. An article published in Wired Magazine on Monday, while not disavowing the importance of diagnostics, did claim that a strategy too dependent on them cannot accommodate the “messiness of real life”—which is to …

September 29, 2020

Step Ten: “Lockdown” is not a “Quarantine” [Essay Three]

Dr Naomi Wolf   Essay Three:   Let’s look now at a massive euphemism that is allowing for the various power grabs we will explore, that the COVID-19 pandemic facilitates. National leaders are using the term “quarantine” to refer to acts of closing down economic activity in entire states …

September 29, 2020

What are the Ten Steps to Fascism? How did we Get Here – Step Ten? [Essay Two]

Dr Naomi Wolf   Essay Two:   I’m updating the End of America to let you know how we got to be at Step Ten: Suspend the Rule of Law. The playbook of fascism, I must stress, is nonpartisan, and President Trump did not invent what we are living …

September 29, 2020

Step Ten: Updating the “Ten Steps to Fascism”: Authoritarianism in a Pandemic [Essay One]

Dr Naomi Wolf   Essay One:   Step Ten: Updating the “Ten Steps to Fascism”: Authoritarianism in a Pandemic. Is the all-too-real COVID crisis being exploited in certain ways as cover for those who wish to erode democracies worldwide, and to grab other kinds of power – such as …

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