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June 26, 2021

“OPINION”: Where Did the Coronavirus Come From? What We Already Know Is Troubling.

  READ the Opinion article by Zeynep Tufekci in The New York Times  

June 26, 2021

NEWS FEED: “Congresswoman Maloney [D-NY12] excoriating the Republican Ranking Member of the Oversight Committee for calling comprehensive paid family and medical leave a “perk””

  Congresswoman Maloney excoriating the Republican Ranking Member of the Oversight Committee for calling comprehensive paid family and medical leave a “perk” during his opening statement at today’s hearing on her bill,  H.R. 564, the Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act. Link to the tweet here. “

June 24, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: Dr Naomi Wolf on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth podcast discusses the worldwide resistance against vaccine passports and tyranny

Dr. Naomi Wolf appears on the Outer Limits of Inner Truth to discuss the worldwide resistance against vaccine passports and tyranny. Wolf also shares her thoughts on the dystopian future that awaits humanity if we do not stand together united right now for the cause of freedom. LISTEN to Dr …

June 24, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS – NEWS FEED: Twitter Locks News Site’s Account for Report on Teen Boy Dying After Getting Vaccine

  Twitter locked the account of the National File, a conservative-leaning news website, after it reported on a tweet from a woman who claimed her 13-year-old nephew died after receiving a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. READ Jack Phillips’ article in The Epoch Times

June 24, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS”: The Age of the Digital Wallet Is Here [European Digital Passports and Personal Freedoms]

  LISTEN to Dr Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon on the War Room

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