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July 4, 2021

Equal Means Equal – Episode

Equal Means Equal’s President Kamala Lopez and Legal Counsel Wendy Murphy spoke on Los Angeles’ KPFK 90.7 FM  about the ERA Sentinel Project and ask whether the Biden administration truly supports the ERA. Join us for a quick three minutes on “Politics Or Pedagogy?” WATCH IT on the episode  

July 4, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – CITIZENS’ CORNER: The present COVID-19 vaccines violate all 10 tenets of the Nuremberg Medical Ethics Code as a guide for permitted medical experiments.

  Read the article by Howard Tenenbaum, DDS, PhD, Paul E. Alexander, MSc, PhD and Parvez Dara, MD, MBA below, or at TrialSiteNews.   We sought to examine how many of the Nuremberg Medical ethics codes are being breached by the present COVID-19 vaccine roll out given these codes were …

July 2, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Live Q&A: CCP Decried on 100th Anniversary; Facebook Asks Users to Report “Extremist” Friends

  In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience. WATCH  the Live Q&A on Epoch TV

July 2, 2021

“OPINION”: UN Report Calls for Reparations for Victims of Systemic Racist Police Violence

  Truthout On June 28, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet released a stunning 23-page report accompanied by a 95-page conference room paper for the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) documenting systemic racism and human rights violations by police forces against Africans and people of African descent throughout the world. The …

July 2, 2021

FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore

  Vaccine “passports” being put in place by the European Union and Australia as well as some U.S. states and businesses are one of the more alarming instruments advancing the “heart and soul of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.” READ  the  Children’s Health Defense Team article in The Defender

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