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July 21, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Fauci Refuses To Say ‘Gain Of Function’ Research To Avoid Prison

  WATCH Dr Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon on The War Room discuss Dr Fauci’s refusal to use “Gain of Function” terminology

July 21, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Digital Database Being Created To Be A Vaccine Passport

  WATCH Dr Naomi Wolf and Steve Bannon on The War Room discuss Vaccine Passports and Digital Databases

July 21, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Physicians group: Biden’s home-vaccine visits unconstitutional, unethical

  The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons stated that Biden’s plan to go ‘door to door’ to promote the COVID-19 injections, ‘violates the ethical principles of protecting confidentiality and informed consent.’ READ Art Moore’s article in Life Site News

July 21, 2021

“FIVE FREEDOMS” – NEWS FEED: Facebook, White House Colluding on Censorship: Lawsuit

  Facebook is censoring Americans at the behest of President Joe Biden’s administration in violation of the First Amendment, a new lawsuit alleges. READ Zachary Stieber’s article in The Epoch Times  

July 21, 2021

“OPINION”: If Biden Wants to “Stand With the Cuban People,” He Can Ease the Cruel Blockade

  Truthout The corporate media have been bashing the Cuban government in response to the recent protests in Cuba, while President Joe Biden claims, “We stand with the Cuban people.” But they ignore or minimize the leading cause of economic suffering in Cuba: the U.S.’s illegal and punishing economic blockade that Biden has …

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