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Building Tools for Tomorrow’s Shareable and Social Democracy

January 10, 2022

Zuck Bucks and Following the Money with Scott Walter

You’ve heard the term, “follow the money.” Dr Naomi Wolf interviews Scott Walter of The Capital Research Institute, a twenty-five-year-old Washington, D.C, investigative think tank, which does just that–“follows the money.” The Capital Research Institute specializes in tracking “dark money” — that is, the funds that affect politics, whose donors …

January 10, 2022

Daily Clout Webinar-“Fighting Employer Mandates-The Smuckers Story””

Fighting Employer Mandated Vaccine – Smuckers Story Attorney Warner Mendenhall on How Employees Can Fight Back Wednesday, January 12th 2022 @ 6:00PM CST   Leading Civil Rights Attorney & Former Akron OH City Councilman, Warner Mendenhall will be our guest of honor and will discuss: Overview of Smuckers situation. What …

January 7, 2022

“Urgent Message from Informed Choice Washington, Provides Much Needed Clarification Regarding a Social Media Post Gone Viral”

“The confusion regarding this agenda really speaks to the lack of transparency that we’ve seen coming from the Washington Board of Health regarding their agenda items for meetings”- Bob Runnells of Informed Choice Washington Many have seen and shared the social media post pictured, regarding an up-coming Washington Board of …

January 5, 2022

HEARTLAND REVIEW: “The Slow Infiltration of South Dakota, and the American Heartland Via Initiative Petitions”

In this episode of “Cloutocracy”, political insider, and former SDGOP Director Dave Roetman explains the nuances of South Dakota political dynamics, special interests, initiative petitions, and why SD is vital to keep your eye on! 21:03 Minutes hosted by Daily Clout’s Associate Editor Breeauna Sagdal YouTube Rumble

COVID Truths You Haven't Heard

January 5, 2022

COVID Truths You Haven’t Heard

Are you struggling to communicate with friends, family and colleagues whose views about COVID and it’s treatment differ from yours? Many Americans have found themselves disconnected from loved ones because they seem to be unwilling to listen to facts about the pandemic that differ from those being promoted by government …

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