Multiple Concerns Emerging Around COVID Vaccines & Reproductive Health

“Right before I got on this podcast, Dr. Jim Thorp who is gynecologist / obstetrician showed what he is seeing over and over these days which is images of placentas riddled with calcifications. These placentas are compromised.”
Listen in now as Dr. Naomi Wolf explains multiple concerns emerging around COVID vaccines & reproductive health.
I saw this commentary on the placental ultrasound image that Dr Wolf presented on WarRoom.
As a general hospital pathologist, I have examined many placentas. Although I am not very experienced in evaluating placental ultrasounds, the pattern in the image presented is not that unusual in a term or near term placenta. It is not unusual to see calcium deposits surrounding the cotyldons (pronounced cot-a-LEE-dons) or an occasional blood clot. To say that these features are due to the Covid-19 vaccine or that they are even pathological is a big speculative leap. Was the baby from this pregnancy abnormal and was the placenta examined by a pathologist? I think that the Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous and inadequately studied, but we need to be careful and precise in our criticism of them lest we be labeled as wackos.
I just spent hours looking through thousands of healthy uterus images, not one even comes close to this image that Naomi has presented.
This is always the best way to reason. I have told my colleagues at work (major hospital in Canada) who are still unvaccinated, you can’t jump to conclusions without proper investigations. Fear is being played on the right and the left. What may seem abnormal to the layperson might be completely within the norms. May the truth be unleashed.
Dr. Wolde,
I watched the video of you on Bannon’s podcast. I think a juxtaposition of a normal fetal ultrasound of similar gestation would be quite helpful for those of us, who are not accustomed to viewing them regularly.
Thank you for your work and your team’s work. You have been very informative.
I would be interested in the take of other gynecologists/obstetricians or relevant specialists who have experience evaluating and interpreting placental ultrasounds. All due respect Mr. Houle, but I think you may be taking quite a speculative leap in weighing in on the issue given your admitted inexperience in evaluating and interpreting placental ultrasounds. Maybe there is no correlation of “these features” to Covid-19 mRNA modifier injections or that they are even pathological. If the medical community felt they were not jeopardizing their careers and licensure, perhaps we would see vigorous peer-reviewed studies of this potential risk. Given the current politicized environment, this may not ever happen, but it would be a great leap back to actual science were this to happen. Meanwhile, who could blame an expecting mother for “erring ” on the side of caution?