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Scanned by Nick Corbishley

March 21, 2022

Biometrics: The Most Precious Data of All

The following excerpt is from Nick Corbishley’s new book Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom (Chelsea Green Publishing, March 2022) and is reprinted with permission from the publisher.   Biometrics systems are used to identify or authenticate identity by using …

Tech is minting money on impaired children

March 21, 2022

Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Tech is Minting Money on Impaired Children.”   In this interview on Bannon’s War Room, Dr. Naomi Wolf examines statistics indicating severe harm to children who are forced to wear masks. Studies show that masking children measurably impairs communication, social and verbal skills as well as neurological development. IQ levels are dropping and social and communication …

March 21, 2022

Fraud at the CDC? Two State Senators and Dr Henry Ealy On Willful Misconduct

  Dr. Naomi Wolf speaks with Oregon State Senators Dennis Linthicum and Kim Thatcher and Dr. Henry Ealy about their Grand Jury Petition. According to the CMS data file, specifically in the state of Oregon, hospitals have been receiving upwards to $220,000 dollars for every hospital death listed as a …

Pfizer Vaccine Data Sets Fraud

March 21, 2022

Dr. Wolf: “They Are Counting Wrong – You Can’t Verify the Data Sets.”   Dr. Wolf discusses the falsifying of Pfizer vaccine data sets that is being blamed on a “coding error.” Tens of thousands of individuals that were injured by the vaccine have been wiped from the mainstream’s records and buried beneath paperwork. What happened to these individuals? A team of …

The Unseen Element

March 18, 2022

The Unseen Element

Is Materialism Killing Us? One of my dear friends left this earth this past week. She was a talented artist, a loyal friend, a fierce advocate. She overcame a traumatic childhood – raised by an at-the-time undiagnosed bi-polar parent – and then struggled with illness and pain in her late …

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