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Edward Dowd Shares Thoughts on Pfizer Adverse Effects Documents

April 4, 2022

Edward Dowd Shares Thoughts on Pfizer Adverse Events Document

Edward Dowd shared his thoughts on Gettr regarding the recent article Pfizer’s Adverse Events Disclosure: Public or Confidential? He writes: “Naomi Wolf’s War Room/Pfizer document team has a lawyer who wrote this…looks like fraud to me folks.”   View Post on Gettr

An open letter on the struggles of russian citizens

April 1, 2022

An Open Letter on the Struggles of Russian Citizens

Dear DailyClout, I am writing to you today about someone I know who is a Russian citizen and is facing hardship in the current political climate. I spoke with a fine arts student currently studying in Italy who was kind enough to describe her struggles as a Russian citizen abroad. …

Media Turns a Blind Eye as Governor Hochul Takes Away New Yorker's Constitutional Rights

April 1, 2022

How Governor Hochul is Taking Away New Yorker’s Constitutional Rights

  While the media debate whether Will Smith is entitled to keep his Oscar after assaulting Chris Rock at the Academy Award Ceremonies this past week, Governor Hochul is quietly appealing a largely ignored yet landmark Court case that threatens to transform our Republic for decades to come.   Founding …

Why New York's Power Balance is in Peril

April 1, 2022

Why New York’s Power Balance is in Peril

  The State of New York is currently the nexus of perhaps the most significant legal battle of our lifetime. Case 10  NYCRR 2.60, which is under appeal, has the potential to redefine our democratic republic. Our country is protected  from becoming a monarchy, autocracy, or dictatorship thanks to the …

Parents Reveal Child Abuse in NY Schools

April 1, 2022

Parents Reveal Alleged Child Abuse in NY Schools

  In this live video, parents from Silver Creek, New York express concern for children who are allegedly being locked in closets for “disciplinary” reasons and subject to other abusive mandates at school.   Watch Full Video  

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