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May 26, 2022

Senator Schumer Launches Two Gun Background-Check Bills

Schumer Launches Two Gun Background-Check Bills  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer set in motion a pair of background-check bills for gun buyers in response to the school massacre in Texas. But the Democrat acknowledged Congress’ rejection of previous legislation to curb the epidemic of gun violence.

eileen bropson

May 25, 2022

More Dangers For Vaccinated Pregnant Women Revealed

Dangers For Vaccinated Pregnant Women Revealed This report has been brought to you by the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers   Are pregnant women who get the Pfizer mRNA vaccine putting their unborn babies at increased of dying? DailyClout’s Team 5 looks at the Pfizer data and answers this question. Watch Full …

Facebook Rally Crowd UNITES - Video

May 25, 2022

Facebook Censorship Rally Crowd UNITES – Video

Facebook Censorship Rally Crowd UNITES   In this video, a crowd of peaceful protestors rally together, united by a common purpose: to end censorship. Watch The Video Below  

dr carol taccetta

May 25, 2022

A Plea to the FDA: Clinical Trials and Risks to Our Children

“Times of crisis and fear can call forth bad science, even science we know in retrospect to be unethical.” Bill Clinton, October 3, 19951 At age 19, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer with lymph node metastases. The radioactive iodine therapy (I-131) I received was a miracle treatment in my …

helath freedom defense fund

May 25, 2022

Ivy League Warning: No College Mandates Calls Out Princeton

Ivy League Warning: No College Mandates Calls Out Princeton Dear Mr. Eisgruber,  We are writing to notify you of recently available information prompting concern that fraud has been committed by Pfizer and by the FDA in the development and continued distribution of  Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. Given that Princeton University mandates …

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