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July 25, 2022

Monkeypox Hits Over 800 Cases in New York City As Emergency Declared

New York City health department reported that 839 people tested positive for Monkeypox, also known as Orthopoxvirus, as of July 22nd. Meanwhile the W.H.O. has declared that the international monkeypox virus outbreak now constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). There are reportedly over 16000 cases in more than …


July 21, 2022

Georgia Schools Now REQUIRING Masks for All Teachers and Staff

Dear DailyClout, I can’t believe Gwinnett County Schools in Georgia are masking all teachers and staff again starting now.  Please see below: Good Afternoon Team GCPS, On February 25, 2022, we shared with our community that GCPS will follow the CDC mask guidelines to help communities decide what prevention steps …

July 21, 2022

Why Medical Freedom is the Prerequisite to All Other Freedoms

The opinion discussed may be found at Borrello et al v. Hochul et al. “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to …


July 21, 2022

Report 34: Understanding C-19 Vaccine Efficacy Clinical Trial in Lay Terms

The Moderna vaccine decreases the production of antibodies to the nucleocapsid in a dose dependent fashion in those who acquire COVID after vaccination. Four months after injection, 40% of vaccinated participants who acquired COVID after the second injection produced antibodies to the nucleocapsid, compared to 93% of those who received …

July 21, 2022

President Biden Has Just Tested Positive For COVID-19 – Breaking News

President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID this morning and is reportedly experiencing mild symptoms. He is isolating at the White House. See Full Story

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