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Building Tools for Tomorrow’s Shareable and Social Democracy

July 26, 2022

“Six Reasons Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Be The Next Joe Biden”

  Make no mistake — Gavin Newsom is running for president. He has led a gilded life and becomes more liberal with each passing day. Along the way, his policies have dangerously failed, and those failures should not be visited upon the rest of the nation. There are six reasons …

cystic fibrosis

July 25, 2022

Cystic Fibrosis: How One Brave Young Man is Facing Serious Chronic Illness

Dear DailyClout, A good friend of mine, James Richardson, has cystic fibrosis. He was told by doctors he wouldn’t live long, would never build muscle, and couldn’t do a million other things. But he has been crushing his chronic illness – he is 29 now. James’ story is remarkable. And …

just think

July 25, 2022

Just Think: The Podcast Episode 59 – Inside the Elite Agenda with Dr. Naomi Wolf

Dr. Naomi Wolf spent decades amongst the wealthy elite as a Yale graduate and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, one of the most influential feminists of our time, a best-selling author of multiple books, an advisor to both the Clinton and Gore campaigns, and as the CEO of a large …

amy kelly

July 25, 2022

WiMKiN Spotlights: Big Pharma and Big Media’s “Monstrous Abuse” of Public Trust

WiMKiN’s unofficial motto is “First Amendment Strong,” and it prides itself on no censoring, no shadow-banning, no evil algorithms, and no “fact-checking.” Hosted by Dimitri Vassilaros, “Spotlight on WiMKiN” is focusing primarily (but not exclusively) on various storylines linked to #Pfizergate and the COVID “vaccine” field. Its goal is to …

tik tok removal

July 25, 2022

Majority Support Banning TikTok from App Stores

(Austin, TX—July 20, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted July 7th through July 10th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. …

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