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August 1, 2022

Press Release: Sen. Johnson Points Out Conflicting CDC Statements on COVID Adverse Events

WASHINGTON – On Monday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson sent a follow-up letter to Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), demanding clarity on whether the agency performed sufficient surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. Recent conflicting statements by CDC officials about monitoring adverse events called into question …

vaccine test

July 30, 2022

Report 35: Pfizer Evidence So Far: Coverups, Heart Damage, and More

Less than three months after Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, there were many known significant adverse events (AEs). So many, in fact, that Pfizer had to hire 2,400 employees to handle the volume of reports they were receiving. Despite the flood of adverse events being reported, there was no move by Pfizer, the …

bobbie ann cox

July 29, 2022

Hochul’s Team Files Appeal: Here’s What You Need to Know

In this video, associate editor Kate Melgoza interviews New York Attorney Bobbie Ann Cox. Ms. Cox describes the sizable victory that came from the New York Court’s ruling against Governor Hochul’s proposed “isolation camps,” Hochul’s plan to appeal, and what next steps might look like. Government abuse is a slippery …

unvaccinated coast guard

July 29, 2022

BREAKING – Unvaccinated Coast Guard Being Kicked Out of Military!

CALL CONGRESS NOW! Tell them to honor the religious freedoms of Coast Guard members and ALL military members I just interviewed JAG Attorney Davis Younts who represents a group of elite Coast Guard rescue swimmers who have been told their religious exemptions to vaccination have been denied and they will be discharged …


July 29, 2022

“Do We Really Want Women To Be Less Than Equal?”

Through the thousands of years of our recorded history, women have enjoyed full equality with men for only the past forty-nine of them.   You see, it is not a woman’s mind, her skills, her right to vote, or her average pay rate that makes her equal. It is her absolute …

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