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August 4, 2022

Before We Rid the World of Crude Oil, is There a Backup Replacement?

We know what the decarbonized world of the 1800’s was like, so how about proving the new parachute, i.e., the replacement for crude oil, works before we jump out of the plane? Clean Energy is only Clean ELECTRICITY.   Those clean renewables, like wind turbines and solar panels, can only …


August 4, 2022

Brown University’s Silence on Post-Vaccine Myocarditis

A well-designed observational study of the entire French population, just published on June 25 in Nature, has again definitively confirmed (here; here; here; here) observations first noted during February, 2021: covid-19 mRNA vaccination confers an excess risk for serious inflammation (here; here) of the heart—both its muscle (“myocarditis”), and suspending covering (“pericarditis”)—particularly in men under …


August 3, 2022

“Everything That’s Wrong With Modern Parenting”

In this video, Kate Melgoza delves into the parental energy of pet owners to raise their pet to the level of a child, modern parenting, and the problems that come with lack of discipline. Contrary to what the mainstream might imply, there is a difference between spanking to discipline (to …


August 3, 2022

New York Times Goes to War Against Parents Opposed to School Closures & Mandates

Amid the New York Times’ ongoing bewilderment at anyone opposed to the wholesale reorganization of western civilization around prevention of a single respiratory virus, Sheera Frenkel has penned what may be the publication’s most embarrassing article to date: A full-on hit piece against parents whose politics changed during Covid out …


August 2, 2022

Voters Say Federal Bureaucracy Too Big, Focused on Pushing Political Agenda Rather than Serving Americans

63% of Hispanic Voters Agree Agencies like EPA, CDC, and IRS are Too Large and Only Serve Their Own Political Interests 55% of Independents and 90% of Republicans Also Agree 73% of Democrats Believe Federal Agencies Effectively Serve the American People  (Austin, TX—Aug 2, 2022) Convention of States Action, in …

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