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September 23, 2022

Why Europe’s Electricity Prices Are Soaring

Reverberations from the war in Ukraine have “distorted” the market for natural gas, forcing energy prices up. A shopping area in Berlin. Efforts to store natural gas for the winter have helped push up electricity bills. Credit…Lena Mucha for The New York Times Energy traders in Europe are witnessing price …

September 23, 2022

Yesterday was a BAD DAY for Eric Adams and his Vaccine Policy

The Mayor’s Multi-Million Dollar Problem NYC Mayor Eric Adams took shots from Kyrie Irving, Labor Leader Tramell Thompson and recently fired teacher Rachelle Garcia yesterday. Garcia would only call the mayor “Eric” on national news because, according to Garcia, “he is not my mayor.” This was all in response to Adams ending the private sector …

September 23, 2022

D*ed S*ddenly N*ws

Tiago Henriques launched a group that’s become a massive force. Died Suddenly News Tiago Fernando Henriques is an artifical intelligence programmer who lives in Canada. Back in the spring of 2021, he began to notice an unusually high number of his young peers experiencing serious medical issues, such as chest …

September 23, 2022

AMPS Reclaiming Medicine Conference FEATURING Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly

“IF THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS TAKEN AWAY THEN DUMB AND SILENT WE MAY BE LED, LIKE SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER” -GEORGE WASHINGTON AMPS Reclaiming Medicine Conference FEATURING Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly Dr Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly: What did the hundreds of thousands of Pfizer documents from …

September 23, 2022

Less Than One-Third of Voters Feel as Safe in America Today as They Did Two Years Ago

(Austin, TX—September 22, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted September 17th through September 20th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. …

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