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October 5, 2022

Amy Kelly: Pfizer Documents Disclose Staggering Drop In Male Fertility From The Covid Vaccine

In this video, Amy Kelly joins Steve Bannon on War Room to discuss the staggering drop in male fertility from the Covid vaccine. Don’t miss it!

October 4, 2022

“California Governor Newsom is Just Getting Started with More Green Energy Skyrocketing Prices”

California Governor Newsom became further convinced that voters continue to support his bizarre energy policies when they defeated the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election on September 14, 2021, thus keeping the incumbent elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023.   With California having the highest prices for fuel in the …

October 4, 2022

FLORIDA SUMMIT ON COVID II: The Future of Medicine in Post-Covid America

On Saturday, October 22, 2022 numerous experts from the fields of Medicine and  Law will travel to The Villages to answer questions and cover topics including:  Covid19: Virology, Vaccines and Emerging Threats, Victims of Covid19: Legal  and Legislative Remedies, Restoring Trust in America’s Physicians Amidst  Vaccine Injury, Mandates and Skepticism, …

October 4, 2022

Nearly 70% Say Skyrocketing Food Prices Motivating Them to Vote In Midterms

(Austin, TX—October 3, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted September 17th through September 20th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. …

October 4, 2022

String Quartets Bring New England’s Seafaring History To Life

Ronald Wisner has written four string quartets entitled  “The Four Winds.” The premiere performance of these quartets was held late this summer before a full house in his community.  The theme of the four quartets, “East,” “West,” “North” and “South,” is coastal New England’s shared connection to sailing, the sea …

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