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December 28, 2022

Anecdotals – Stories of the Vaccine Injured

“We are told that we are not significant, because we’re merely anecdotals” -Jennifer Sharp, Anecdotals the Movie Filmmaker Jennifer Sharp and Executive Producer Josh Stylman created a film called Anecdotals. The movie tells the stories of people from all walks of life who took the COVID vaccine. Some took …

December 28, 2022

Over 100 Iranian Protesters Face Execution

Iranian Citizens Call for Freedom Mass protests have been taking place in Iran for 102 days, with citizens demonstrating in the streets and at universities calling for freedom from the Iranian regime, led by long-time Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The regime is trying hard to crack down on mass protests and …

December 28, 2022

Top Insurance Analyst: High-Vax Regions Show a 15% Higher Mortality Rate in 2022 Than in 2021

“The slope goes the wrong way.” “I have some never-before-seen anywhere — wasn’t in D.C. [data],” announced Josh Stirling as he joined Edward Dowd and Steve Kirsch Thursday (12/22/22) during a live video stream. Mr. Josh Stirling is a highly-recognized insurance research analyst. And his eye-opening testimony during Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) Covid-19 vaccine hearing made quite a splash on …

December 28, 2022

Study Confirms that Molnupiravir Creates COVID “Variant Soup”. How could the FDA Approve It?

A couple of weeks ago, I made a post that alleged that Molnupiravir, a mutagenic drug that makes the RNA of Sars-Cov-2 mutate, causes new COVID variants to appear faster than before. Link to Article A pre-print for a new scientific study was just published that confirms this contention. Before we …

December 27, 2022

Canadian Crackdown & the War Against Dissent During COVID-19

Ontario family doctor Patrick Phillips sits down with DailyClout Associate Editor Etana Hecht to go back to the moment he knew “something was wrong.” And while Covid-19 mandates and restrictions ease elsewhere in the world, Dr. Phillips attests the Canadian government is cracking down “harder than ever” on dissidents. …

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