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January 25, 2023

New York Citizen’s Audit: A Call for Election Integrity

Ms. Marly Hornik is a citizen from New York who cares deeply about her State, her Country, and the rule of law that’s necessary to ensure the nation is free and that elections accurately reflect the choice of the people. After the tense and controversial 2020 presidential election, Ms. Hornik …

January 25, 2023

Today’s Legislative Call to Action: Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Status for Foreign Travelers

HB 185: To terminate the requirement for proof of COVID 19 vaccination for foreign travelers   US Congress 118th Congress About HB 185 To terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers, and for other …

January 25, 2023

Regular Trips to the Park Could Reduce Reliance on Antidepressants

Visiting green spaces can be beneficial for a person’s mental and physical health. – Copyright Canva Visiting green spaces can dramatically lower mental health drug use, research has found. Dropping into a park, community garden or other urban green space between three and four times a week can cut people’s chances …

January 25, 2023

Dolphins Seen in Bronx River for First Time in Five Years

IMAGE SOURCE,GETTY IMAGES Pollution and habitat destruction have caused numbers of bottlenose dolphins to drop (image taken in Scotland) Dolphins are back in the Bronx River in New York for the first time in more than five years. Though they were recently seen in the city’s East River, it is …

January 25, 2023

‘Smoking Gun’ Disability Data Reveals Alarming Health Crisis of the Employed

“If you’re wondering why there are ‘help wanted’ signs, this is it.” Three million more unfortunate souls are now among the U.S. disabled population than two years ago. What were 29.85 million people within this cohort in January 2021 soared to 32.87 million in December 2022. What’s interesting is …

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