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August 18, 2023

Dr. McCullough Uncovers Smoking Gun: Autopsies Found 74% of deaths related to mRNA vaccination

The legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread use of experimental vaccines continue to wreak havoc on the health of everyone on the planet, but now, there is frightening new data that suggests men are even more at risk. Dr. Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company, …

August 18, 2023

Why Herbs and Supplements Work as “Natural” Medicines

As a practicing doctor of medicine specializing in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases, I am largely in the professional business of prescribing medications that patients pick up at pharmacies. I have always known alternatives exists, but I have never spent time or study in the world of homeopathic, naturopathic, holistic, …

August 18, 2023

Community Hubb Events: Aloha Tacos, Fired Teachers and Reincarnation

A BIG Reminder on events posted in the last newsletter: August 12 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Elevate Your Vibes at Roots Holistic Wellness, Chatham, NY August 16 -18th Freeing Potential through the HANDLE Approach – 3 Days at Mettabee Farm, Hillsdale, NY August 17 – August 20 Unifier Festival! – Tolland, MA August 17 …

August 18, 2023

PrEP for Pregnant Women?

The ridiculousness continues This will be a short one, but I think it’s important to address. I don’t know about other moms reading this, but when I was pregnant, I was discouraged from taking anything stronger than Tylenol, and that only very occasionally. All of a sudden antiretrovirals for HIV …

August 17, 2023

Artist Ellen Danforth Embroiders Illustration for Pfizer Reports Book Report 18: “What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It? Neurological Harms Concealed.”

  DailyClout is honored that artist Ellen Danforth is working with artist Rebecca Soudant to illustrate reports from the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports book. Ms. Danforth embroidered the lovely piece shown in the image above as an illustration of Pfizer Report 18 in the book, “What Did Pfizer …

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