Artist Ellen Danforth Embroiders Illustration for Pfizer Reports Book Report 18: “What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It? Neurological Harms Concealed.”

DailyClout is honored that artist Ellen Danforth is working with artist Rebecca Soudant to illustrate reports from the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports book.
Ms. Danforth embroidered the lovely piece shown in the image above as an illustration of Pfizer Report 18 in the book, “What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It? Neurological Harms Concealed.” (Note: that report is listed as Report 21 on the DailyClout website.) She gives this explanation of her beautiful creation:
“My piece is about the 50 cases of Multiple Sclerosis [MS] mentioned in the report. The MS Awareness ribbon is orange, and this icon is often portrayed on a blue background. I have also embroidered a visual interpretation of the damaged myelin in MS. The 50 cases of MS are represented by the 50 small black crosses, because I was struck by the time period during which Pfizer knew of these harms: January – March, 2021, which coincided with the period of Lent in 2021. Ash Wednesday that year was on February 17.
Neurological harms are personal for me, because I have MS and so did my mother (the vintage blue plaid handkerchief is a nod to [my mom]). I wrote an essay [in November 2022] for DailyClout about my experience both as an MS patient and a volunteer for the Pfizer Documents Analysis Project.”
“People with MS should be vaccinated against COVID-19
The science has shown us that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Like other medical decisions, the decision to get a vaccine is best made in partnership with your healthcare provider. Most people with relapsing and progressive forms of MS should be vaccinated. The risks of COVID-19 outweigh any potential risks from the vaccine. In addition, members of the same household and close contacts should also be vaccinated against COVID-19 to decrease the impact of the virus.
People with progressive MS, those who are older, those who have a higher level of physical disability, those with certain medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart and lung disease, pregnancy) and Black and Hispanic/Latinx populations are among the groups with the highest risk for hospitalization due to COVID-19. Individuals in these high-risk groups are especially encouraged to get vaccinated.
If you’ve had COVID-19 and recovered, you should also get vaccinated. People who get vaccinated after recovering from COVID-19 infection are less likely to get infected again. Even if you have been vaccinated, you need to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.
COVID-19 vaccines are safe for people with MS
None of the available vaccines contain live virus and the vaccines will not cause COVID-19. The vaccines have been studied in large numbers of people with MS and they did not trigger an MS relapse. The risk of getting COVID-19 far outweighs any risk of having an MS relapse from the vaccine. Learn more about the different types of vaccines and how they work from the CDC.“

I just want to thank you all for your constant reporting on this terrible evil that has been put upon humanity.
Yes, 2 centuries to work through this darkness – I as an unvaxxed person of almost 35 years now. Trying to make sure my body, at 81, stays healthy through good thoughts, good food practices and exercise, and good supplements(that are pharmacutical grade)