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August 24, 2023

What an Economist Knows About Crony Vaccines–A 2023 Update

If you think regulators have your back, read on. The following essay (below the graphic) was originally published at the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER). It is a follow-up to my 2020 AIER essay Why Operation Warp Speed Could Be Deadly. First, a brief update: The relentless campaign to convince you you …

August 24, 2023

Pfizer faces whistleblower lawsuit from former compliance manager who says he flagged possible fraud in China

After Pfizer allegedly fired a compliance manager for raising the flag on potential fraud activity in China, the former employee is hitting back. Frank Han, the former director of global compliance analytics at Pfizer, has filed a civil complaint against the drugmaker. In the California lawsuit, Han claims he was …

fetus in womb

August 24, 2023

Pathology Report: mRNA COVID-Vaccinated Mother’s Very Small, Compromised Placenta Results in Underweight Baby Suffering from Other Health Issues

A concerned grandmother, with an extensive healthcare background, including being a professor who teaches healthcare administration at multiple colleges, and who has verified her identity to us, contacted DailyClout about findings from the analysis of her early 30s, mRNA COVID-vaccinated daughter’s placenta after the daughter had given birth. Born full-term, …

August 24, 2023

To the Editor: “The Calling Has Come to Stand Our Ground”

Dear DailyClout, Following the fires in Northern California,  we started talking very quickly about the true source of the fires.  I had the privilege to be on the ground interviewing 30-year veteran firemen, all of whom said they had NEVER seen fires like we had before. I got to tour …

August 24, 2023

Crony Capitalism and Vaccine Mandates

A conversation with Mises Institute Board Member Steven Berger As I have remarked in other posts, a bizarre and distressing feature of our times has been the abandonment of the Classical Liberal tradition of carefully defining and limiting the power of the state. It seems to me that America became …

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