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March 14, 2023

Is This a Declaration of War on Biology?

As originally published on Gal G’s Substack In the face of increasing uncertainty and constant fear-mongering, how do you know what ‘the real enemy’ is and where the world is marching towards? Let’s start with DNA trade, research, and control. A possible roadmap based on the dramatic developments in #Israel …

March 14, 2023

“Naomi Wolf, a Woman of Class”

There are two kinds of Democrats. The Liberal Democrats I grew up with who were wrong on the majority of their point’s of view from my perspective, but that’s because I was raised a Conservative Republican. Then there is the modern Radical Democrat. These are the Democrats we confront everyday …

March 14, 2023

From the Desk of Sen. Eric Brakey: Remarks on Ukraine from the Maine Senate

From the Desk of Sen. Eric Brakey Thursday, March 9, 2023 Floor Speech Against Ukraine War Resolution Madam President, I rise to oppose this resolution in the strongest terms possible, as a piece of war propaganda that I will not have my name or my vote attached to.   This …

March 14, 2023

DailyClout Welcomes Texas Lindsay!

The DailyClout is so excited to welcome Texas Lindsay to the team! Texas Lindsay joined Etana Hecht on DailyClout’s podcast, CloutCafe. Lindsay shared details from her recent interview with a Japanese doctor, Dr. Fukushima, who has put together a coalition of 400 doctors who are doing their own data collection …

March 14, 2023

Ora Nadrich and Kevin D. Jenkins on Resisting Tyranny

Ora Nadrich, Mindful Activist, speaks with Kevin D. Jenkins, co-chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation, about how we must rise and resist the tyranny we are facing. Watch here! Get Your Copy of the Pfizer Reports PDF eBook. Please support DailyClout! Become a DailyClout Member

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