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March 29, 2023

Psychological Harm of Mandates – Part One Phoebe Liou on the Psychological Harm of College Mandates | Maryland General Assembly HB699 On March 6th, I testified before the Maryland General Assembly in favorable support of Bill HB699, prohibiting proof of vaccination for employees and prospective employees. It was the first time I publicly disclosed the emotional …

March 29, 2023

It is Time for a Values-Based Economic “NATO”

INTRODUCTION The past two decades have witnessed a severe “democratic drought” worldwide. Not only have established democracies struggled to ensure the healthy functioning of democratic processes and institutions at home, but democracy is also losing its appeal to authoritarian and semi-authoritarian states abroad. According to a new report by the U.S.-based nonprofit …

March 29, 2023

Totalitarians Caused and Committed the Three Mass Murders of COVID Let’s start with a statement of fact: Totalitarians Caused and Committed the Three Mass Murders of COVID. In this essay, I will demonstrate that this is indeed a fact and is true from start to finish. Without the evil actions of totalitarians, there would have been no COVID-19 …

March 29, 2023

Nearly 3/4 of Voters Believe Trump Arrest Won’t Effect or Could Even Help 2024 Bid

Only 26 Percent of Voters Believe Trump Indictment and Arrest Will Hurt His 2024 Campaign   (Austin, TX—March 27, 2023) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters – releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted March …

March 28, 2023

‘These Numbers Look Horrific’: Work Absence Rates Are Off the Charts — And It’s Only Gotten Worse

“Something’s going on with our workforce that we’ve never seen before. And it’s gone so far above trend — it’s a health concern.” The 2022 absence rate “makes absolutely no sense,” exclaimed former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd. “Something’s going on with our workforce that we’ve never seen before. …

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