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April 7, 2023

Note to Trump: Dump Jab at Warp Speed

In this edition of Malwords Weekly, we show how— China has overtaken UKRAINE in March malwords volumes and WPM’s President Trump must renounce his involvement in Operation Warp Speed which has visited harm upon millions of Americans—all upside at this point… And massive downside by letting his opponents speak first— because the malwords statistically …

April 6, 2023

1560 Geneva Bible: Genesis 24-28

April 6, 2023

Stop Big Pharma From Harvesting Your Medical Data

Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Dr. Heather Gessling, COO of the Chief Medical Board at The Wellness Company to discuss the practical ways to start recovering from the mRNA spike protein and how to stop Big Pharma from harvesting your medical data. Learn More: The Wellness Company Spike Recovery Wellness …

April 5, 2023

Pfizer Hid Data on Waning Immunity as Millions Queued to Get Vaccinated

In late 2020, the airways became saturated with triumphant reporting of Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” covid-19 vaccines. Millions rolled up their sleeves with the belief that reaching herd immunity would end the pandemic. But by June 2021, the pandemic endgame story had gone off script. Highly vaccinated countries like Israel were …

April 5, 2023

1560 Geneva Bible: Genesis 17-23

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