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August 9, 2023

There’s A New CHAT In Town

Nominations Open for 2H 2023 Global Malwords Index When we knew the Sixties were over: The Jackson 5 passes The Brady Bunch (1971) In our previous post, we discussed the telltale signs of government-media-generated atrocity, the most recent of which we have been following over the past three and a half years through …

August 9, 2023

Unsold Electric Cars May be Signaling a Death Spiral for the Auto Industry

Endless government subsidies to encourage EV sales seem unable to sway the logical thinking and the numerous concerns of the average citizens to buy into EV’s. With new EV inventories beginning to increase on dealer lots, the auto industry has many challenges such as locating the buyers that may have …

August 8, 2023

100th Anniversary of ERA: Wendy Murphy Speaks at Seneca Falls, New York

SPEECH BY WENDY MURPHY, JD, AT SENECA FALLS, NEW YORK, JULY 22, 2023 This speech was given on the 100th anniversary of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment). Speaker, Wendy Murphy, was introduced by Coline Jenkins, great-great-granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Full Speech Text Below: I am honored to be …

August 8, 2023

“Scotland Cuts Down 16 Million Trees to Develop Wind Farms”

Peat bog carbon repositories also being dug up. In 2014, The Telegraph reported that Millions of trees chopped down to make way for Scottish wind farms. Every year since then, multiple journals have reported that the chopping down of Scotland’s treats and digging up of its (carbon holding) peat bogs has continued unabated. This …

August 7, 2023

Take Action to Prevent the Next Wireless Invasion – Stop the American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023 from Being Enacted

If H.R. 3557 passes, it will result in a truly unrestricted proliferation of cell towers and small cell installations near schools, playgrounds, and homes without any local or community input. A new federal bill that threatens to eliminate all state and local control in cell towers and small cell placements …

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