Naomi Klein: “We are the Exodus from Zionism”

On the night of Tuesday, April 23rd in Brooklyn, Jewish Voice for Peace and allies held a protest calling for the end of the U.S. taxpayer-funded genocide in Gaza. Billed as a “Seder in the Streets,” numerous American Jewish peace activists took the microphone to articulate how and why Zionism is a political ideology and one squarely at odds with their Jewish values.
Among the speakers was famed author Naomi Klein, whose address before the crowd of assembled peace activists was not only gripping, but infused with authentic hope at this historical moment when hope seems to evaporate with each hour.
What Klein did so brilliantly, in less than a twenty-minute address, was to declare how Zionism has become wholly inimical to all human values of decency, Western or not, while simultaneously declaring, and unabashedly so, why the faith tradition of Judaism itself remains poised to help liberate and heal all oppressed peoples. A Jewish Constitutional Republic, separate and distinct from the Zionist state of Israel, could well be the land in which the ideas to liberate all oppressed peoples could be developed, studied, and debated.
Klein’s historic April 23rd, 2024 address was a tour de force of faith and reason for our times, and should be viewed by all people:
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