mRNA Vaccine Adverse Events Include Severe Injury to Penis
DailyClout’s COO and Program Director of the War Room DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Program, Amy Kelly, informs us of the latest information from the Pfizer documents. The Pfizer documents are the internal documents released under court order that document adverse events, including injury to the penis and its functions following mRNA vaccination. These injuries include penile vein thrombosis (blood clot), also known as Mondor’s Disease, penile neoplasm (a malignant lesion), and general penile infection. Don’t miss this concerning development!
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by following the directions on this website……………….
Indeed, please put the source for this information in the comments, or better, in the post itself
Without that this video is useless. I thought this was supposed to be alternative media, looking for the truth and all. And no source so we all can educate ourselves.
Yes! We need links.
I would be very grateful if you could e-mail the links to the supporting papers to me at your early convenience.
Thanking you in advance
I remain, yours faithfully
P.S. It would be great if they were appended to the end of this item.
This could be the source.
The list of adverse events of clinical interest from Pfizer is referred.
This is not a list of adverse events that have been observed by Pfizer. It is a list of standardized terms for adverse events. Pfizer has to monitor for all these terms and submit reports about the occurrence of the adverse events of special interest to the FDA and EMA and such at agreed upon intervals.
There are plenty of issues with the covid vaccines and fertility, huge concerns. That is not the issue. But what is said in de video is just not true based upon the data below.
But perhaps there is another source? If so, which one?
Unfortunately it is clear from the report below that the writer is not very familiar with registration dossiers and their requirements.