“Masking Ourselves to Death: A Stunning Propaganda Win for Voodoo Epidemiology”

I wrote this essay back in 2020, in hopes of shooting down the lethal misconception that face masks ensured protection from the plague known as “the virus,” and that those who wouldn’t wear them were not risking only their own lives but ultimately all the lives of everybody everywhere. Today, some four years later, many of us recognize the fallacy of that fake “health” mandate. Even now, however, too few people understand that that mandate, while ludicrous as an advisement for the public health, was actually a propaganda masterpiece, misleading by design, since it was calculated not to make us healthy and secure but to terrorize, divide and isolate us. Our failure to talk back against that propaganda, or even to think back against it–indeed, our fundamental failure even to perceive that it was propaganda–left us open to a second blast of suasion, still more lethal than the first. Having bought the notion that our masks were useless unless everybody wore them, we now bought the related and even more destructive notion that our Covid shots were useless unless everybody got them; and then the further lie that one was not enough, because one now needed many shots in order to “stay safe”. Thus the mask mandate functioned as the global template for the collectivist delusion–i.e., that “we’re all in this together” since no step can protect us unless everybody follows suit. (Although zoo keepers and pet owners did not put masks on their animals, they have been vaccinating them).
What’s finally needed now, then, is a great awakening of sorts, with all of us perceiving, at long last, what has been done to us, by whom and how. For all too many who put on their masks and got their shots, it is, of course, belatedly, and tragically, too late. For others still alive, however, it is imperative that all of us awaken to the existential danger of propaganda drives across the board–not only those pertaining to “the virus” and its sequels, but to the countless other terrors posed nonstop, to keep us in subjection, and at each other’s throats.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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