Liberals Must Stop Ceding Transgender Policymaking to the Two Groups that Will Doom Transgender Civil Rights: Trump Supporters and Drag Queens

Recently in New York, longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll finally got her day in court in her sexual battery and defamation civil lawsuit against Donald Trump. When Ms. Carroll took the stand, she told the jurors, “I am here because Donald Trump raped me and when I wrote about it he said it didn’t happen. He lied and shattered my reputation. I’m here to try to get my life back.”
The details of the rape allegation, in this case, have been in the public domain since 2019, when Ms. Carroll first went public, prompted by the women of the MeToo movement who, like her, had long stayed silent about their sexual assaults by powerful men out of fear of retaliation. Indeed, it was also disclosed in 2019 that Ms. Carroll had immediately told two friends about the rape, one of whom told her not to report the rape because Trump would “bury” her with his lawyers.
This essay is not being written by an objective observer: I believed E. Jean Carroll from day one. I firmly believe that Ms. Carroll was raped in a New York department store in the 1990s by a pervert who would become the 45th president, and I sincerely hope that she receives justice in her sexual battery and defamation lawsuit.  In fact, I hope the former will one day be criminally prosecuted for every one of his alleged sex crimes against women; crimes which he bragged about on the infamous Access Hollywood tape, and for which his constituency knew well in advance of the 2016 election, but voted for him anyway. If this man were actually prosecuted and found guilty for each criminal count he would spend the rest of his days behind bars. This is the same man who famously said that his voter base was so blindly loyal that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they would still support him for president. Trump was 100 percent right: he could not only murder someone with a gun in broad daylight and still get support from this crowd, but he could inject them and their families with a known deadly poison – a deadly poison acknowledged as such by his top advisors Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro – and still get their enthusiastic support.
Astonishingly – or perhaps not astonishingly if you’re inured to the blatant satanic streams of consciousness pervading both of the major political parties – the people who have put this proud, self-vocalized serial sex offender at the top of their political party are now making great strides in setting the policy agenda on the litany of public controversies surrounding transgender rights and social acceptance, specifically in the House of Representatives and in Republican-controlled state legislatures.
Here is the core reason why the latter are making tangible strides in blunting the cause of transgender civil rights: too many liberals are no longer interested in being liberals, which, at baseline, means giving a thorough ethical evaluation of issues that come to the fore.  This anti-intellectual impulse can be seen most vividly in the Biden Administration’s policy pronouncements on transgender athletes, which do not account for the physical differences between biological males and biological females. Should it pass the Senate, the Biden administration has already announced it will veto the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which passed the House on a party-line vote. Instead of pondering ways to ensure that transgender young people in high schools and colleges can fully participate in athletic programs on a level playing field, as articulated by Martina Navratilova and many other thoughtful people, the lapsed liberals crafting the Biden policy are choosing not to think, but to declare an intolerant bigot anyone who senses intrinsic unfairness in biological males and biological females competing in the same athletic contest.  It’s an anti-intellectual impulse resulting in a political strategy that will inevitably steer people with a basic, built-in sense of fair play away from the liberal orbit, which they sense as increasingly unmoored from basic fairness, into the only political alternative: a political orbit with a self-vocalized sex offender at the center of its moral consciousness. A self-vocalized sex offender, let’s remember, who is endlessly proud of his Operation Warp Speed poison injection endeavor, and who, like his fellow narcissist Jim Jones, encourages his cult followers to get injected with the latest Kool-Aid booster shot.
And yet, bar none, the most disconcerting misstep in the nouveau anti-intellectualism that is now sweeping American liberalism is the absurd, baseless declaration that drag queens are moral beacons for a progressive society.
In America, we have a First Amendment. Â We have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right of free association. Â If men in drag want to perform raunchy, utterly demeaning caricatures of what womanhood and femininity are all about in front of other grown adults – adults who somehow construe the latter as vanguards of moral enlightenment – then so be it. Â This is America. Â But there is no First Amendment right to engage in lewd, sexually-charged content – which is common in drag shows – in front of minors, as evidenced in this “family-friendly” drag show in Austin, Texas:
There is no First Amendment right to simulate sex acts in front of children, as occurs in this drag show, specifically branded as a family-friendly Christmas drag show:
Bans on minors attending these sexually explicit entertainment venues are now being debated in state legislatures all over the country. Tennessee’s recently-passed ban on children attending drag shows is now tied up in the courts, as local theater groups have argued that the law is too vaguely crafted and could legally implicate their artistic content. Indeed, it’s an intricate, delicate balance of rights that legislators have to strike. Yet if the courts ultimately hold that the current statute violates the First Amendment then hopefully legislators seeking to ban children from sexualized, in-person entertainment venues will go back to the legislative drawing board. The cause in question – protecting children from exposure to sexualized content – is totally just.
But the larger question true liberals should be asking is this: Â How did we end up here in the first place? Who, exactly, decided that bringing children to drag shows, or having drag queens read children’s books to kids, is a net positive for a child’s social development? Â Big Bird and the colorful characters of Sesame Street have always done a fine job of instilling values of tolerance, compassion, respect for differences, etc. in children. Who decided that these children need men in wigs, lipstick, and mouthfuls of stereotypes about womanhood and femininity to instill pro-social values into children? Where is the social science to show that little girls being exposed to exaggerated, often eroticized depictions of womanhood in the form of drag queens are developing a positive self-image? Â Where is the social science to show that little boys exposed to the same in-person images of drag queens won’t have totally screwed up mental conceptions of womanhood?
Pro-social values, it ought to go without saying, should encompass a willingness to understand another person’s point of view. Yet every nook and cranny of drag culture is about self-assertion – what drag queens call “fierceness.” For examples of what “fierceness” means to drag queens watch this clip of a Canadian drag performer, or this french music video featuring multiple drag queens, in which the song refrain is “Don’t even try to shine like me.”
Drag culture is all about aiming to be the center of attention, declaring that such a narcissistic, expressly anti-gospel aim is an actual virtue. What ensues is an immature mockery and denigration of any person who disagrees with the drag queen – including and especially anyone who disagrees with the sick notion that children should be exposed to raunchy drag performances. Everyone within the drag queen’s domain is expected to applaud, obey, and believe the queen is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It’s a quasi-fascist psycho-social dynamic taking place in these venues – getting crowds to completely suspend critical moral thinking in favor of persona worship and ideological submission. It is therefore hardly surprising that the people who participate in these drag events are, genuinely, unable to comprehend why there would be legislative efforts to prevent grown men in G-strings from twerking in front of first graders. Their moral discernment faculties, much like the Kool-Aid attendees at a Trump rally, have been completely bulldozed. In other words, we are talking about two distinct groups of people, in opposite political camps, who, for all intents and purposes, are functionally unable to connect the dots between the trash that they have incorporated into their political identities and the public disgust that said trash generates for those outside of their cult-leader/cult-follower dynamic.
Though not a political person, I confess that I am rejoicing that RFK Jr. is seeking the presidency. There is joy, but also a calm feeling that America might, perhaps, become normal again. As the Kennedy campaign continues to gain steam, for the sake of his electoral success, I hope Bobby Kennedy and his advisors will start to ask this crucial question: Who were the geniuses in current liberal circles, or in the Democratic Party itself, who decided that the transmission of drag queens’ self-obsessed state of consciousness could possibly foster pro-social values among children? Indeed, who were the genius Svengalis at the DNC who decided that middle America could not possibly tolerate the likes of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren for president because they are “too far to the left,” but that middle America would be perfectly fine with America’s children being grafted into drag queen culture and a presidential administration that backs this perversion to the hilt?
True liberals would be interested in such questions before going about a mass-scale social program to expose children to drag queens. Of course, shallow people posing as liberals won’t be interested in such questions; they will simply regurgitate whatever canned, virtue-signaling talking points will make them feel enlightened and hip.
Transgender Americans – which most drag queens are not – need true allies in their fight to secure basic civil rights, such as nondiscrimination rights in employment, housing, education, etc. Beyond the legislative realm, transgender Americans need true allies in the wider social effort to address transphobia, which is a real phenomenon, and deeply inhumane. The Trump-led Republican Party – the group of people who have consciously chosen a self-vocalized sex offender as their political idol – do not have the consciousness, rooted in basic empathy, to bring the vision of transgender civil rights to fruition. Empathetic people would not laugh and applaud when a man accused of sexual assault defends himself by saying things like “She’s not my type,” and “That would not be my first choice.” Clearly, as evidenced by their own indifference to women who have experienced sexual assault, the latter do not have the baseline empathetic capacity to distinguish between a moral, upstanding, law-abiding citizen who has gender dysphoria and deserves civil rights protection from utter perverts who have zero self-control in expressing sexuality in public venues.
Indeed, how could they possibly possess such capacities when their own chosen political leader is cut from the same trashy cloth?
What this means is that the routinely, and often viciously, persecuted minority of American citizens – the transgender community – will have to rely upon liberals to advance and enact laws and policies to protect them from hate and discrimination. Indeed, I hope Bobby Kennedy and his campaign team will proactively invite our fellow transgender Americans into this historic campaign, and make transgender civil rights a core part of the spoken campaign platform.
Liberals must reclaim our larger political and social heritage of thinking critically and empathically about matters of gender and sexual justice.   When we go about that critical task, we can better ensure that no boy in America will grow up to believe that womanhood and femininity, which are treasures from heaven that ultimately end up preserving love and civilization itself, are mere things to be parodied, laughed at, and repackaged to serve the egocentric needs of grown men who demand crowd attention and crowd submission.
Neither will any boy in America grow up to believe that it’s possible for men to force their hands and bodies onto other human beings and still be elevated to the highest public office in the nation.
Given the current bipartisan cultural morass we are in, we have miles to go before achieving those goals. In the meantime, we can pray for America’s children who, as the great Ralph Nader kept saying three decades ago, are being deprived of their right to have a wholesome childhood. We can pray for America’s moms and dads as they try to raise their kids without bullying, either from peers or political ideologues who do not care a thing about their parental rights.
And we can pray for E. Jean Carroll, and every survivor of sexual assault, that they will soon, and very soon, see an emerging political culture in which the moral trash of our society is politically dispensed with, not elevated to political leadership.
This DailyClout article is the writer’s opinion.
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One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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From the article:
“This essay is not being written by an objective observer: I believed E. Jean Carroll from day one. I firmly believe that Ms. Carroll was raped in a New York department store in the 1990s by a pervert who would become the 45th president.”
Frankly, I wish Daily Clout would stop featuring pieces by Mr. Villareal, who seems to be an unabashed homosexual and transsexual apologist that absolutely hates Donald Trump. 😛
I’ve looked at the E. Jean Carroll allegations. And I definitely think it’s possible that she and Trump had some sexual encounter. However, an expert at statement analysis wrote the following about her allegations:
His conclusion: “It is possible Carroll did meet Donald Trump in a Bergdorf Goodman’s store. Trump might have flirted with her and even hit on her. However, because she described the incident in the present tense which violates the rules of grammar, we have to question if her story is 100 percent true.”
Furthermore, it seems Ms. Carroll LIED about not being bankrolled by someone else. From a recent article at Gateway Pundit:
Billionaire LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman – a Democrat megadonor – is secretly funding E. Jean Carroll’s rape case against President Trump, according to a Thursday court filing.
This DIRECTLY contradicts E. Jean Carroll’s claim during an October deposition that no one else was paying her legal bills.
E. Jean Carroll appears to have committed perjury.
Hi Sam! Please feel free to send a rebuttal in letter or essay form to me at kate@dailyclout.io. We would love to keep the conversation going and hear from different perspectives.
Thanks for the invite, Kate. I don’t really have time, but if I did, I would certainly consider it! 🙂
There is a lot in this piece to talk about, but I want to focus on the vaccine. As a reminder to the writer and readers::
-Biden implemented the vaccine mandates.
-Liberal university administrators denied education to those who refused the toxic vaccine.
-People were fired from their jobs as a result of the Biden mandates.
-Pfizer-funded, mostly left-leaning, propaganda networks demonized those who didn’t take the toxic vaccine.
-Liberal Twitter and Facebook executives banned dissent, including Dr. Wolfe and RFK, Jr.
-Blue state governors and mayors closed down businesses, forced people to wear useless masks, and set the education of our children back a generation.
-Liberal late night talk show hosts literally did a song and dance to praise the vaccine.
-The Democrat party refuses to allow Kennedy to debate Biden on the merits of Biden’s COVID policy.
-The unvaccinated are largely conservative.
So, who exactly are the Kool Aid drinkers?
It is completely fair to criticize Trump for Operation Warp Speed. Most likely, I will not vote for him again because of it. Kennedy is my man, but I have little hope that the mask-wearing, vaccine worshipping Democrat base will nominate him.
It is beyond dishonest to blame the last few years of hell on a former President who was out of power during the vaccine rollout.
I expect better from DailyClout.
Hi Greg! Please feel free to send a rebuttal in letter or essay form to me at kate@dailyclout.io. We would love to keep the conversation going and hear from different perspectives.
Greg wrote:
“It is completely fair to criticize Trump for Operation Warp Speed. Most likely, I will not vote for him again because of it.”
Agreed, Greg. Frankly, it seems there’s NO ONE worth voting for. I would never vote for a Democrat, but the Republican Party is almost worthless too. I think it’s best to vote for a decent third-party candidate as a protest statement, regardless of his or her electability.
“It is beyond dishonest to blame the last few years of hell on a former President who was out of power during the vaccine rollout.”
But hey, that’s just what those with Trump Derangement Syndrome do!! 😉
“I expect better from DailyClout.”
Yeah, me too. While most of the articles on here are of high quality, sometimes Daily Clout publishes some real bombs—like this one. 😛
As a gay male who was first exposed to the gay subculture via a drag queen, I assert that drag queens in general are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to anything good.
Trying to compare them to Trump supporters is a stretch way too far. Has Timothy Villareal ever attended, or even watched, a Trump rally? Apparently not. The people who show up are not racist, sexist, homophobic, or anything remotely sinister. Quite the opposite. They are, as a group, very pro-gay rights, as Trump himself has been since the early 1970s at least.
Most drag queens are not transsexuals, and most transsexuals are not drag queens. Real transsexuals make up a microscopic fraction of the population and haven’t been persecuted to any degree since the 1960s. All this liberal fuss and bluster is ludicrous. Gay people are not special and today are not major victims of any persecution, except perhaps in Muslim cultures and tiny America towns where bible-thumpers call the shots. It’s a fictional war between alleged good (gays and transsexuals) and alleged bad (heterosexuals), concocted by political interests, not humane ones.
Treating gays and transsexuals as gods deserving of adoration and special treatment is nauseating. Of course, many lap it up, especially the younger ones desperate for attention. But it’s incredibly insulting: rather like bringing a bucket of friend chicken and a watermelon to a new black family moving into the neighborhood. It’s meant to show solidarity, but what it shows is stupidity and ignorance on the part of the person doing it. I had liberal friends who took me to gay-themed movies and a gay comedy performance because they thought they were “relating.” But what they were doing was emphasizing the supposed differences between them and me. In trying to simulate inclusion they made feel like a complete outsider.
I don’t want to be a virtue signal. I don’t want to be someone’s show-and-tell exhibit at the next party I’m invited to. And I don’t want to be branded as a part of a freak community created by loony drag queens and sleazy gay people unable to think above the levels of their zippers.
Timothy Villareal has done a great disservice to a hundred million or more Trump supporters by trying to brand them as freaks too. They are not. In fact the nicest, most tolerant and inclusive people I know voted for Trump. Would Villareal prefer that they had voted for Clinton, a woman so sordid, evil, malicious, and vindictive she is almost a cartoon? A woman who actually was, and may still be, a racist?
Stop worrying about supposedly persecuted transsexuals (I’ve yet to encounter one) , or strange women making strange accusations against Trump (and using the word “rape” to mean something it does not mean), and start worrying about a planet drenched in poisonous, paid propaganda emanating from some mysterious central clearing house and distributed by thousands of print media and hundreds of broadcast media saying exactly the same thing…literally. Timothy Villareal believes Trump’s accuser because he wants to. He is not an objective journalist, but a partisan hack.
Hi William! Please feel free to send a rebuttal in letter or essay form to me at kate@dailyclout.io. We would love to keep the conversation going and hear from different perspectives.
“Of course, many lap it up, especially the younger ones desperate for attention. But it’s incredibly insulting: rather like bringing a bucket of fried chicken and a watermelon to a new black family moving into the neighborhood.”
Good one, William!! 🙂
Trump is not my favorite guy, but Biden was well-known as a lech, see a Counterpunch (left-leaning site) article around the time of his first term as VP.
It should be perfectly obvious that the transgender/drag queen story hour events are not organic. There simply isn’t a large enough number of them to cause the stir they are causing. They are highly organized across the country and even more well-funded.
in 2021, FB posted an article about a fluff bio on Fauci. Within a short time, the negative votes were almost ten-to-one over positive votes. In other words, most people hated the guy – and yet he was trotter out for almost another two years, and everyone acted like he was Marcus Welby MD when most people think of him as Dr. Mengele.
If the press doesn’t ask better questions, we’ll all be swept along with the lies and our lives will be over in a very short time.