Letter to Oklahoma Attorney General: Request for State Criminal Investigation of CDC for the Crime of Maiming

On December 13, 2022, a War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project volunteer attorney and former employee of the Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General wrote a letter to Oklahoma Attorney General (AG) John M. O’Connor requesting a state criminal investigation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) based on its three-month delay in publicly announcing the known risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
The attorney wrote, “The CDC’s withholding crucial information from the public about the vaccines and their risks warrants investigation under the Maiming statute, Okla. Stat. 21, § 751 et. seq. The evidentiary elements to prove the crime of maiming are: 1) infliction; 2) upon another; 3) of a physical injury that disables/…/seriously diminishes physical vigor; 4) performed with the intent to cause any injury. For the crime of maiming, ‘…it is immaterial by what means or instrument, or in what manner the injury was inflicted’ and intent ‘is inferred from the fact of inflicting an injury which is calculated to … disable,…’ Okla. Stat. 21, § 754, 756. Alternatively, Okla. Stat. 21, § 421(5) ‘Conspiracy to commit any act injurious to the public health’ may apply. For cases involving death, the culpable negligence of officials in the CDC may also meet the elements of Second-Degree Manslaughter under Okla. Stat. 21, § 716. The inexplicable failure of CDC personnel to adequately warn Oklahoma citizens of the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine clearly constitute, at best, criminal negligence, and may rise to intentional criminal activity.”
Please read the full three-page letter below.