KANE / KEIL / NYFRL Apply for Emergency Injunction in SCOTUS

The KANE / KEIL / NYFRL cases applied for an emergency injunction with the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) today.
These cases all challenge NYC’s religious exemption to vaccination policy as being illegal and unconstitutional, and seek to return all unvaccinated NYC employees back to their jobs.
Our attorneys applied for an emergency injunction in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals that was denied in October. The case remains in the 2nd Circuit to be argued on the merits, however the timeline of the case is uncertain, as NYC has until November 13th to reply to plaintiffs’ briefs and a decision from the court may not come until December, January or later.
This emergency application does not represent the final chance for these cases to appeal to SCOTUS. Even if this emergency appeal is denied, the KANE / KEIL / NYFRL cases may still appeal to the highest court in the country if deemed necessary in the future.