Is the Science Behind Climate Change Messaging Really Solid?

Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews John O’Sullivan, a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr. Tim Ball in defeating world-leading climate expert, Dr. Michael Mann, originator of the ‘hockey stick’ model in climate change, in what Mr. O’Sullivan calls ‘the multi-million-dollar science trial of the century’. Wolf and O’Sullivan grapple with the climate change narrative and O’Sullivan explains how and why he believes the data used to support climate change messaging was falsified.
John O’Sullivan is CEO and co-founder (with Dr. Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI). O’Sullivan co-hosts TNT Radio’s Sky Dragon Slaying show with fellow PSI co-founder and astrophysicist, Joe Postma. O’Sullivan is credited with forming the original group of scientists who collaborated in creating Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, a full-volume book discussing mainstream messaging about carbon dioxide, and their follow-up climate book, The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap. His latest publication, Slaying the Virus and Vaccine Dragon, discusses mainstream medical groupthink.
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I’ve began evaluating climate change so-called science in 2001, when the IPCC’s 3rd Assessment Report came out. I wanted to know for myself whether there was anything to worry about. There isn’t. Except for the CO2 fanatics and politicians who want to ring poverty back down on everyone.
I’ve published 6 peer-reviewed papers evaluating the climate models and the air temperature data. The models cannot predict future air temperature and the air temperaturerecord is so riddled with unacknowledged measurement uncertainties that no one can tell the rate or magnitude of warming since 1900.
Tom Nelson recently interviewed me for his podcast. It’s a 1-hour conversation, which lays the whole thing out:
Consensus climatology is artful pseudoscience. A subjectivist narrative (like Critical Race Theory) that assumes its conclusions and is decorated with mathematics.
THANK YOU so much for this interview! This whole Climate Change agenda is based on computer models and opinions of some scientists -and Big Money Men like Bill Gates who run the UN, apparently. Isn’t that a scary thought – Bill Gates the Climate Change and toxic Vaccine Sugar Daddy.
And an important piece that is missing here is the very credible, to me, evidence of world-wide climate engineering . . . Chem Trails. Weather Warfare. People need to start looking up at the sky. They are there fairly often- Everywhere.
I first saw them while driving down I-5 to L.A.10 or so years ago – Certainly not contrails, as these did not dissipate like normal contrails. These jet trails slowly melted into the blue sky, and over time the whole sky would become a milky light gray blue. I stopped at a coffee place along the way and asked the barista if people who lived there talked about them. He said yes, and that people called them chem trails- I had been stationed in that area for several years during the VietNam war as a Navy legal officer at a Naval Air Squadron – and was quite familiar with the contrails coming from the attack jets that were flown there. I highly recommend that skeptics go to . . . There you will find your “‘climate change.”
But back to this important interview re Climate Change, politics and who’s behind it . . .
I recall looking at some of the UN’s IPCC hacked emails online- and the thing that disgusted me – and I only read a few- was that IPCC members were emailing each other about how to actually ruin a scientist who published an article that was critical of the “Climate Change” theory. Why ruin her? Why not publish the IPCC evidence of her flawed argument?
Here’s my takeaway of your conversation with scientist, John O’Sullivan: The whole Climate Change “evidence” is based on computer models . . . and the Hockey Stick Theory of Dr. Michael Mann, which is provably FALSE. Michael Mann- the “godfather” of Climate Change, said that due to the Industrial Revolution (about 1760-1830), the Earth temperatures rose dramatically from its many centuries old, historic life-supporting temperatures. BUT, your guest Mr. John O’Sullivan stated that the only reliably accurate temperature recordings, from 200-300 years ago in England and Europe showed NO significant rise in temperatures. Case Closed.
The temperatures actually recorded during and after the Industrial Revolution (About 1760-1830) remained the same. Life-supporting, as always.
Here is the Hockey Stick graph by Dr. Michael Mann, and below it a graph from the UK government re historic temperatures recorded:
Mann’s Hockey Stick:
Hadley Centre Central England Mean Temp from 1659 to 2022:
I wish you would pursue more related interviews about Geoengineering and Climate Change.
Again, I really appreciate this informative discussion!
P.S. I am a longtime environmentalist, and believe it is critical to responsibly protect our air, waterways, ocean, rivers – and the habitats of wildlife on land and sea. Etc.
A depressed person looking for a career probably would like to become an earth scientist bolstering the UN climate change thesis. Good deal, have your problem give you an income!