Hospitals Paid for Letting Patients Die

In this video, Dr. Naomi Wolf joins Dr. Henry Ealy to discuss the Grand Jury Petition Against the CDC. Dr. Ealy confirms the high percentage of fraudulent COVID deaths, monetary incentives for hospitals to inflate data related to COVID-19, and many more shocking discoveries.
Don’t miss this explosive interview!
Last October I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia and. DVT. During my hospitalization I was asked 4 times if I wanted remdesivir. Fortunately I knew how bad it could be and refused it. The 4th time I was asked, I looked the doctor in the eye and said I didn’t want it because I didn’t want to die! He said it was only a suggestion and slinked out of the room.
I am so thankful for all those who shared the dangers of remdesivir or I might not be here.
Wow! Many had Remdesivir forced on them and also Midazolam in the UK. They were told that this was the only allowable protocol and also paid to use it . You are lucky to be alive
Excellent interview Dr. Wolfe and Dr. Ealy. So glad that exceptional people such as you both are doing a “miracle” for humanity by bringing out and exposing this global scam and not only, CONFIRMING what I always suspected and sustained.. It’s ALL in regards to this “NEW BUSINESS model” as also confirmed by a “Freudian Slip on behalf of “uncle Bill”, on a 2015-17 interview where “yes, it’s a great investment return” especially if we can get everyone in the world “vaccinated”, as well as a great way to “reduce” the world population by getting rid of the Sick, the retired, and all other humans that are simply a “cost” and nothing more, and with NOW this Bombshell, they make money with this process as well!! Thank you so much to you both and hope all this work will hit a Global Level. Sincere Regards!
My husband and I got through COVID, no thanks to our PCP. Nineteen days in, we were declared ‘safe’ to leave quarantine by a tele-health provider we’d contacted, but my husband was dehydrated so I called 911 to transport him to the local hospital for fluids. PCR, xrays, and intubation followed, w/life flight to UW Hospital Northwest (Seattle) where he was kept on the vent, given Remdesivir over my objections. I begged his doctors to take him off the Remdesivir and use Ivermectin, even tried to invoke the Right to Try Act. His death certificate says COVID, DVT and ventilator-induced pneumonia. The autopsy I demanded, which report took months to get, shows me the hospital killed him. The funeral director, when she saw the death certificate, gave me contact info for FEMA. FEMA paid for my husband’s funeral. I haven’t seen an itemized bill for his treatment, just EOBs for the total, but I do have all his medical records from both hospitals and the autopsy reports.
I am so sorry to hear about your husband having fallen prey to the system. I can’t imagine how you must feel and I hope you find some kind of justice, though clearly nothing can bring him back. My sympathies for you and for the pain and indignities he must have suffered.
Terresa, that is just heartbreaking. I am SO sorry for the loss of your husband!! 🙁
Although obviously nothing can bring him back, since the hospital went against your wishes, you might want to consider suing them. They certainly deserve it. 😛
Terresa, I am so sorry this happened to you and your husband. I lost my 94 year old- active, independent, mother under similar circumstances, fighting doctors, hospital AND health professionals in my family for Ivermectin, and Right to Try. I am convinced she died of kidney failure- Remdesevir poisoning, after a positive PCR. She never ran a fever or had respiratory distress but an abundance of caution because of her age and positive test put her in hospital and on the PREP Act Expressway.. Her death cert. reads Covid 19. She was well-insured, had pre-paid her own funeral, no autopsy, no embalming, -washed and dressed and at rest within 3 days. A priest, my dh and I attended her funeral while the rest of my family huddled, masked, in their living rooms.Hospital regulations, enforced by fear, kept family and friends out of touch except by Zoom. Haunted by what might have been if we had kept her at home..
What a nightmare! I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother, 26point2! 🙁
So many of these so-called hospitals and health “professionals” are guilty of murder, it seems. Is there anything beneath these bottom-dwellers? 😛
So sorry for your loss! I hope you consider suing the hospital. They must be held accountable for the murders they have committed. Many lawsuits have been filed all over the country.
Dr. Wolf, I would highly recommend, if it hasn’t been done yet, to refer Dr. Ealy to the fabulous Mr. Ken McCarthy of Brasscheck. I’ve seen your interview with him not long ago, and would be a great asset to the cause as he has been and doing so much with Brasscheck. Just FYI.