Today marks an important victory in the fight of American citizens across party lines to regain lost rights and freedoms. A group of transpartisan state legislators in New Hampshire, supported by citizens of that state who mobilized to get it done, passed three important bills that are all part of the general Five Freedoms campaign issues.
One bill reforms emergency law related to this current health crisis, so that the Governor’s emergency powers cannot extend indefinitely without review from the legislature.
One guarantees freedom of worship – an important restoration of constitutional rights to the citizens of New Hampshire, and one that echoes a recent decision made by the Supreme Court, in returning the right to assemble to worship, to the people of California.
And one bill ensures that emergency law cannot be invoked indefinitely in any future crisis.
Rep Melissa Blasek, whom DailyClout interviewed last week, was one of the leaders of this fight. Democrats crossed the aisle to support these important bills.
Take a bow, Americans, and in particular, the people of New Hampshire. The Live Free or Die state is true to its motto!
Watch Dr Naomi Wolf discuss the Five Freedoma and the state of New Hampshire HERE
Unfortunately ‘peaceful demonstrations’ don’t work in the long run. They get infiltrated by opposers who start fights and destroy property which then gets blamed on the ‘peaceful demonstrators’. In addition the majority of the population just don’t care enough to get involved in these things. The bible explains perfectly what is going on and how to fix it.: Revelation 12:9, 12 . 1 John 5:19, John 18:36, And only those calling on God’s name will be saved – (Hint: It’s not “Lord”) Joel 2:32, Prov 18:10, Matt 6:9 If you want to know more, let me know.
I believe we need national legislation pushed through, and don’t allow Biden to veto it, that rights cannot be taken from us because of refusing the so-called “vaccine”, such as utilities cannot be cut off, phones cannot be cut off, we cannot be denied medical care or prescriptions, cannot be denied vital services and groceries, etc. and we can never be required to take any vaccine or medication in the future. Someone smarter than me could word it so that it covers everything. A couple of things are coming regardless – food and water shortages and another plandemic. I saw a woman official doing a presentation showing a graphic that said covid-19 and under that was covid-21. She had a startled and confused look on her face as if to say, uh-oh, that’s not supposed to be in there!! Oops!! Someone accidentally let the cat out of the bag. Bet they already have a “vaccine” ready for emergency use. The goal of the G7, the Bilderbirger, the Illuminati, the leaders of the democratic party is to reduce our population by 70%. It’s “for the greater good” (*their own good.) They are the ones who have fueled the massive pollution with their money-making enterprises, now they blame it on us and we must die; they decided they need to clean up the mess by eliminating some 8 billion people worldwide. Hypocrites! I say to them, set the example, you go first! While they have built a fence around the capitol to protect themselves, they opened the southern border. Why? They are preparing a new work force. If they can kill off Americans who expect freedom and replace us with immigrants who don’t know freedom and will be happy just to have food, clothing and shelter, they will have the obedient slaves they want. The new Americans will own nothing and be happy as Klaus Schwab said, and the billionaires will own and rule everything and still won’t be happy. At some point, they will begin to fight among themselves. We need to stop them now!
I homeschooled my children. In the early 90s, the NEA was pushing for a congressional bill that would require every homeschooling parent to have a degree in the subject(s) they teach, something not required of public school teachers and which would severely cripple home education. Home School Legal Defense set a date to call our legislators. On that say and the day following, so may if us called that the switchboard was shut down due to the massive volume of calls and the were unable to conduct any kind of business. At that point, legislators announced, “we will do whatever you want us to do if you will just stop calling.” Instead of bunches of small organizations trying to accomplish their own ideas, we need one big central representative to bring every group together and set goals, dates for protest, dates for calling en masse. A call here and a letter there doesn’t do anything. We need to inundate them so they beg for mercy.