“FIVE FREEDOMS” – BULLETIN BOARD: Only 24 Hours to Ensure Oregon’s Vaccine Passport Ban Bill Does not Die in Committee!
Only 24 Hours to Ensure Oregon’s Vaccine Passport Ban Bill Does not Die in Committee!
Oregon State Sen Kim Thatcher recommends calling Senate President Peter Courtney,
capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
Email: sen.petercourtney@
oregonlegislature.gov as well as the members of the Rules Committee:Senator Ron Wagner, Sen.RobWagner@
oregonlegislature.gov 503-986- 1719 Senator Fred Girod, Sen.FredGirod@
oregonlegislature.gov 503-986- 1709 Senator Ginny Burdick, Sen.GinnyBurdick@
oregonlegislature.gov 503-986- 1718 Senator James Manning Sen.JamesManning@
oregonlegislature.gov 503-986- 1707 Senator Kim Thatcher, Sen.KimThatcher@
oregonlegislature.gov 503-986- 1713 To ask for a public hearing and to vote yes on SB 872.
Oregon, take action today!
For more information contact stephanie.sur@childrenshealthdefense.org