First Shots Fired In Battle Of The 2024 Polls

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has begun to emerge as the first real alternative to Donald Trump on the GOP ticket for 2024
In a survey of just over 300 New Hampshire Republicans, Ronald beat ‘The Donald” by 39% to 37%.
Not a large sample and just inside one State.
But what happened after that was reported, takes us inside how important it actually was to some of the players involved.
The former President then shared another Poll on social media that had him winning by a clear margin.
Not something a confident person needs to do. Trump is always all about the Polls and ‘ratings’.
The Zogby Poll of only some 400 Republicans had Trump at 54% and DeSantis back in the pack at 12% with 10% undecided.
As the largely well produced January 6th hearings continue through July many conservative moderates will come to the conclusion that, like Nixon, a frustrated Trump will never be re-elected to the White House and they need to find a new champion.
“The Ronald” may well become that choice.
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