“Escaping Inflation: How Can We Protect Our Savings and Businesses from a Bank Crash?”

Dear DailyClout,
We could lose everything in the next financial crash ─ certainly in the USA and Europe.
David Rogers Webb in his brilliant free ebook details how this Great Taking will come about:
“Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations… Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt,”
I recommend his book and watch his one-hour documentary at TheGreatTaking.com.
What will trigger the crash this time? The derivatives bubble. It’s more than ten times the GDP of the world. Any new event — from an interest rate hike to a run on the banks — could take down the whole economy.
Banking expert Ellen Hodgson Brown writes:
“The majority of derivatives now involve interest rate swaps, and interest rates have shot up. The bubble looks ready to pop.”
You have to wonder, who will rake in all those assets that we lose? A small group of Persons Unknown. Webb points to:
“Private, closely held control of all central banks, and hence of all money creation, has allowed a very few people to control all political parties, governments, the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations, the armed forces, the police, the major corporations, and of course, the media.” [Webb, The Great Taking, p.1]
We know there is a solution to every problem. We are divine beings. We are born to be free and sovereign, fully responsible for our own decisions. The problem is, every book I read gives a top-down solution.
“We must get legislators to set up a public bank.” The Public Banking Institute has been working on that since 2011. No public bank to show for it yet — not even when a Governor runs on that platform.
“We must convince legislators to revise the UCC code to give us actual ownership of the stocks and bonds we think we own.” The banking lobby easily squashed that when South Dakota was the first and only State to try it to date.
In the face of the powerful banking lobby, we may be looking at years — more likely decades — of political activism before any law is passed in every state and nation, to protect our assets from the derivatives tsunami. Our assets are actually serving as collateral to those derivatives. In the bankruptcy line, your claims come AFTER derivative claims. The banksters get paid first with your securities, your mortgaged home, your cash in the bank.
The crash is nearly upon us. The Great Taking is around the corner. The sharp downward fall in the velocity of money since 1997 is a sure-fire predictor that we are at the end of “this globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle” in Webb’s words. [VOM chart, The Great Taking, p.5].
To me, we have but one choice, if we wish to escape from our 300-year slavery under the central bank warfare system. Embrace the bottom-up solution, the grass-roots way. Here we walk away from the debt-based money supply system, one step at a time. If we have money, we begin with opening a savings account on the blockchain. If not, we earn money on the blockchain by, for instance, allowing ads in our social media app.
That bottom-up solution is the focus of my book, How to ESCAPE INFLATION: Protect Your Savings and Your Business from a Bank Crash. I believe the book is unique in that it covers every solution — from the businesses across multiple towns in the southern USA who issue their own money to trade with each other. If you run a business or yearn to launch one, my book shows you how to follow that company’s lead — issue and sell tokens for the future product or service you will deliver. Read how to join the community and public banking movements, and the micropayment revolution that does not need any bank. The money we earn on the blockchain converts into shopping vouchers in 160 countries.
The first chapter is on how to pay and get paid in gold-backed tokens. Download an excerpt here. Farmers will love this, especially if they have a crop like nuts which they harvest only once a year. Gold is likely to keep its value all year. Let’s pass on the news to our local merchants and farmers. They don’t need to pay high interest on loans, or high credit card fees. My book details alternative options for them, in use right now across the world from USA to rural Africa.
I am not talking about the pump ‘n dump crypto ponzis that the financial elite control. Crypto will plummet when the crash comes. To me, the latest spot BTC ETF from BlackRock is yet another way to load retail investors onto the rug before they pull it.
Investment adviser Catherine Austin Fitts warned us three years ago:
“If you are trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail. They want to shift them into crypto.”
Hidden behind the crypto hype is a brilliant new technology — the decentralized blockchain. When we take the time to learn how to use that blockchain, we discover the path that leads away from central control. There’s no need to feel threatened by the coming surveillance and control of central bank digital currencies (CBDC’s). Blockchain empowers us to trade with each other and use CBDC only when we choose to. Perhaps we will be required to pay taxes in CBDC.
Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. But do not give unto Caesar what is not Caesar’s to take — your Freedom.
Val Archer
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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