Emergency Actions Needed Against Horrific Bill in NY

Originally published on the author’s Substack, In G-d’s Army There’s Only Truth
They are going after our kids again! Their goal is to remove parental rights.
A very serious new law is being considered now, which could have a terrible impact on children’s lives.
This immediate threat is in New York, and is NY State Assembly Bill A276A – a bill that allows any medical product that purports to prevent sexually-transmitted diseases to be given to minors without parental knowledge or consent.
This is where they start, and we all know that if this bill passes, it is just a matter of time before all the vaccines and many more drugs will be added to the list of things that can be given to your child without your knowledge.

What you need to know:
The bill does not have any age limits, which means that the only age limit will be the youngest age permitted to use a product set by the Food and Drug Administration. Hepatitis B vaccines are given at birth so there is no age limit, HPV vaccine can be given at 9, and Truvada can be given to people who are at least 77 lbs, the weight of an average 5th grader.
Amy Paulin’s A276A takes away the current legal right to refuse vaccines for a child. This law goes much further than the repeal of the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school. At least parents have the option to refuse a vaccine and homeschool a child. This law removes parents completely from their child’s healthcare.
HPV shots have a terrible safety record. According to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as of 4/28/2023, in New York there have been 3,273 reported adverse incidents with HPV vaccines, including 9 deaths, 814 emergency room visits, 119 hospitalizations, and 88 permanent disabilities. Almost all of these injuries are among girls under 20. And according to Dr. David Kessler, who was the head of the FDA under Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, these injuries are probably less than 10% of the actual number.
The safety record of HPV vaccines is so troubling that Japan ended their recommendation of HPV vaccination for Japanese girls in 2014.
Truvada (PrEP) has significant safety issues and costs more than $20,000 per year. Kidney failure, bone loss, death, and dozens of other side effects are caused by TDF, the active ingredient in Truvada. The problems with TDF are so common and so extensive that television advertisements for class action suits against drugs that contain TDF are broadcast everywhere.
Violates federal law. The infamous law passed in 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, that removed legal liability from vaccine manufacturers and people who administer vaccines, also requires that a healthcare professional provide a copy of the current vaccine information sheet to an adult patient or to a child’s parent/legal representative before vaccinating a child with a dose of the following vaccines: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), influenza, pneumococcal conjugate, meningococcal, rotavirus, human papillomavirus (HPV), or varicella (chickenpox). 42 U.S.C. §300aa-26
Children do not know enough about their own medical history to consent. It is absurd to assume that a child of any age knows enough about their own medical history, and the medical history of their family, to provide informed consent. They must know if they had earlier adverse reactions to vaccines given to them as infants, whether they have allergies or sensitivities to vaccine ingredients, or if there is a family medical history that would contraindicate a shot. A nine-year old child will know this?
Merck is charged with submitting fraudulent documents in the licensing process. A lawsuit is underway in California, Robi v. Merck, that alleges Merck, the manufacturer of Gardasil, submitted fraudulent safety and efficacy data to the federal government during the licensing process.
Who decides who can decide? A person giving the shot, who may have a financial incentive to do so, is allowed to use whatever reasons they want to determine if a minor is capable of giving consent. Nor is there any specific language to prevent shots from being given to minors with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
How can a parent make informed healthcare choices for their child? In the event of an adverse reaction, especially if a child is unconscious, how is a parent, first responder, or other healthcare professionals supposed to provide appropriate medical care to the child?
The official description of the bill is inaccurate and dishonest. It claims the bill, “Provides treatment for sexually transmitted diseases to minors without a parent’s or guardian’s consent.” That is a lie. New York law has allowed minors to seek treatment for STDs since the 1970s. New York law does not allow minors to consent to treatment purported to be “preventive.”
A current illegal regulation allows giving drugs and vaccines to minors without parental consent The goal of this bill is to make legal an illegal regulation pushed through in 2017 by former governor Andrew Cuomo that allowed giving drugs and vaccines to minors without parental consent. Paulin acknowledges in the Memo for the bill that the bill is needed to make the State’s current practice legal! Cuomo had no legal authority to push through what amounts to an entirely new law.
Amy Paulin’s Bill A276A also protects pedophiles by subverting New York’s “Mandated Reporter” law that requires licensed professionals to report suspected sexual abuse of children to law enforcement. What rational person would not suspect something was very wrong if a nine-year old requested an injection that purports to prevent a sexually-transmitted disease and the child did not want his or her parents to know about it? What should a mandated reporter do if an 11-year-old requests a drug to prevent HIV? Under New York law, relations with children of that age is always a felony.
Where the Bill is holding now:
The vote was originally set for this past Tuesday – and all the pressure they got from calls and emails made them back off. But now the bill will be back on the Health Committee agenda for next Tuesday, May 16.
What you can do:
Call the State Senators and Assemblymembers today. Let them know you are opposed to A267A and any bill that takes away your right to make medical decisions for yourself or your children.
President Joe Biden Jr. (D-US)
(202) 456-1111 (Capitol)
Vice President Kamala Harris (D-US)
(202) 456-1111 (Capitol)
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
(202) 224-6542 (Capitol)
(212) 486-4430 (District)
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
(202) 224-4451 (Capitol)
(518) 431-0120 (District)
Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY-016)
(202) 225-2464 (Capitol)
(718) 530-7710 (District)
Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY)
(518) 474-8390 (Capitol)
Lt. Governor Antonio Delgado (D-NY)
(518) 474-8390 (Capitol)
Secretary of State Robert Rodriguez (D-NY)
(518) 474-6957 (Capitol)
Attorney General Letitia James (D-NY)
(800) 771-7755 (Capitol)
Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli (D-NY)
(518) 474-4044 (Capitol)
(212) 383-1600 (District)
Senator Shelley Mayer (D-NY-037)
(518) 455-2031 (Capitol)
(914) 934-5250 (District)
Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-NY-088)
(518) 455-5585 (Capitol)
(914) 723-1115 (District)
You can also look them up here:
Click HERE to send an opposition message to your Assemblymember.
Call the leaders of the Assembly and the members of the health committee and let them know that you are opposed to A276A.
Carl Heastie, Speaker of the Assembly
(518) 455-3791, (718) 654-6539
LOB 932, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @carlheastie
Chair of the Assembly Health Committee:
Amy Paulin: (518) 455-5585, (914) 723-1115, sponsor
LOB 822, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @AmyPaulin
And the members of the Assembly Health Committee:
Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn: 518-455-5385, (718) 940-0428,
LOB 727, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @NYSBichotteHerm
Daniel Rosenthal, (518) 455-4404, (718) 969-1508
LOB 441, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @DanRosenthalNYC
Nader Sayegh: (518) 455-3662, (914) 779-8805
LOB 331, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @naderjsayegh
Michaelle Solages: 518-455-4465, (516) 599-2972
LOB 736, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @solagesny
Edward Braunstein: (518) 455-5425, (718) 357-3588
LOB 842, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @edbraunstein
Aileen Gunther: (518) 455-5355, (845) 794-5807 and (845) 342-9304
LOB 826, Albany, NY 12248
Karines Reyes, (518) 455-5102, (718) 931-2620
LOB 327, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @karinesreyes87
Jennifer Rajkumar, (518) 455-4628, (718) 257-5824
LOB 534, Albany, NY 12248
Nikki Lucas, (518) 455-5912,
LOB 842, Albany, NY 12248
Phara Souffrant Forrest, (518) 455-5325, (718) 596-0100
LOB 731, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @phara4assembly
John McDonald III, (518) 455-4474,
LOB 625, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @johnmcdonald108
Anna Kelles, (518) 455-5444, (607) 277-8030, (607) 208-2024, Co-Sponsor
LOB 833, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @AMKelles
Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, (518) 455-4545, (718) 457-0384, Co-Sponsor
LOB 834, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @votejgr
Linda Rosenthal: (518) 455-5802, (212) 873-6368, Co-Sponsor
LOB 943, Albany, NY 12248
Phil Steck: (518) 455-5931, (518) 377-0902, Co-sponsor
LOB 607, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @PhilSteck
Andrew Hevesi: (518) 455-4926, (718) 263-5595, Co-Sponsor
LOB 626, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @AndrewHevesi
Jeffrey Dinowitz: (518) 455-5965, (718) 796-5345, Co-Sponsor
LOB 632, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter; @JeffreyDinowitz
Marjorie Byrnes: (518) 455-5662, (585) 218-0038
Twitter: @Byrnes4Assembly
LOB 723, Albany, NY 12248
Josh Jensen, (518) 455-4664, (585) 225-4190,
LOB 722, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @JoshJensen134
John Mikulin, (518) 455-5341, (518) 228-4960
LOB 550, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @JohnMikulin
John McGowan, (518) 455-5118, (845) 624-4601
LOB 548, Albany, NY 12248
Scott Gray, (518) 455-5545, (315) 786-0284, (315) 386-2037
LOB 940, Albany, NY 12248
Jarrett Gandolfo, (518) 455-5258, (631) 589-0348
LOB 426, Albany, NY 12248
Jake Blumencranz, (518) 455-4684, (516) 937-3571
LOB 545, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @blumencranzJake
Scott Bendett, (518) 455-5777, (718) 320-2220, (718) 892-2235
LOB 836, Albany, NY 12248
Twitter: @ScottBendettNY
Come in person if possible to Albany on May 16!
Come to the Legislative Office Building, corner of S. Swan St. and State St., Albany, NY by 9 am on Tuesday, May 16.
The first stop is Room 823 on the 8th floor of the Legislative Office Building for the next meeting of the Assembly Health Committee. It starts at 10 am. Get there no later than 9:30. We want the committee members to walk through a sea of people opposed to A267A. You will need to go through a security check to enter the Legislative Office Building, so get in line to clear security by 9 am.

Please share the link to this Action Alert:
Thank you to the Autism Action Network for providing most of the text for this article, and the contact information for lawmakers, in their very helpful email.
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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