Dershowitz: A Communist front group ran the Stanford Law protest (updated)

Get ready for a lot of screeching over Alan Dershowitz’ blast at the Stanford Law School and its recent disgrace as a sort of neo-McCarthyism. That would have more resonance, however, if the media and Democrats hadn’t turned themselves into industrial-level purveyors of McCarthyism themselves in their Russia-collusion and “mis/disinformation” crusades. For the past seven years, all we’ve read and heard from both is that there’s a Russian under every bed, and every dissenting voice is either a traitor or a shill.
Besides, Dershowitz’ accusation has a more rational basis. The main organizers of the Stanford shout-down were associated with the National Lawyers Guild, which has sponsored and organized similar campus disruptions against conservative speech. And what exactly is the National Lawyers Guild? Dershowitz explains:
It turns out that the disruption by several dozen Stanford University law school students of a speech to be given by federal judge Kyle Duncan was not a spontaneous exercise of freedom to protest.
It was a well-planned and carefully orchestrated effort to prevent other Stanford students from hearing the judge’s conservative views. The disruption was organized by the local chapter of National Lawyers Guild as part of a nationwide effort to suppress conservative speech. Although not all the participants were associated with the NLG, the main organizers were. The Guild praised “every single person” who participated in the disruption, and called it “Stanford Law School at its best,” suggesting it would confront “judicial architects of systems of oppression” with “social consequences for their actions.” Here the consequences went beyond “social” to censorial.
Let us understand what the National Lawyers Guild is. Begun in the 1930s as an alternative to the American Bar Association, its original membership consisted of traditional left-wing liberals and communists. After Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union made the notorious Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939, most of the liberals resigned. Adolf Berle, a prominent “New Dealer,” quit because it had become obvious that the Guild “is not prepared to take any stand which conflicts with the Communist Party line.”
That was decades ago, however. What have they done for us — er, to us — lately? Dershowitz has some receipts on that, too:
The Guild has never abandoned its Marxist-Leninist provenance. It supports Antifa, (see here, here, here and here) which also employs violence to disrupt speakers. …
The National Lawyers Guild seemingly despises America, and in 2020 passed a resolution declaring:
“The United States government is based on and dedicated to preserving white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy and imperialism… US uses its various government agencies to implement its policies and crush political resistance.”
It sounds like the legal arm of International ANSWER.
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