Depp v. Heard VERDICT IS IN! Here’s What You Missed
Depp v. Heard VERDICT IS IN! Here’s What You Missed
After tirelessly long weeks of presenting evidence, making redactions, presenting rebuttals, and redirecting arguments, the Depp v. Heard lawsuit has come to a close. At least, we hope.
In a trial that has lasted six long weeks, Johnny Depp sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for $50 million dollars for defamation and for damages to his career. Meanwhile, Ms. Heard countersued for $100 million, claiming that calling her story “a hoax” has damaged her reputation.
Wednesday evening, the jury announced its unanimous decision that the statements written by Amber Heard and published in the Washington post both online and in print, accused Johnny Depp of domestic abuse and sexual violence maliciously, intentionally, and falsely. They found that these statements were defamatory in his personal life as well as in his career and ability to secure studio films.
The jury awarded Mr. Depp a total of $15 million in damages –
which was reduced to 10.35 million in accordance with
the state cap on punitive damages.
As to Ms. Heard’s countersuit, the jury awarded her $2 million,
for damage to her reputation.
A legal win for Mr. Depp, we hope this will be the last we hear of his and Ms. Heard’s tumultuous relationship. However, Ms. Heard’s lawyers have said she plans to appeal the verdict. Her lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, even appeared on the Today Show Thursday morning, expressing her disappointment in the verdict, plan to appeal, and Ms. Heard’s inability to pay the $10.35 million in damages.
In the meantime, social media is roaring with humorous tweets and memes of relief, that accurately display the thoughts of those that have stood by Mr. Depp throughout the proceedings, and even more so as evidence emerged:
One of our country’s most important freedoms is that of free speech.
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