In the News:
CVS, Walgreens limiting purchases of ibuprofen, acetaminophen for kids – CBS
Walgreens and CVS: Your neighborhood abortion drug dealers – Christian Post
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Can I have some Ivermectin?
CVS & Walgreens: NO!
Can I have pain meds for my kids?
CVS & Walgreens: NO!
Can I have opioids and an abortion pill to kill my baby?
CVS & Walgreens: YES!! ABSOLUTELY. Step right up.
IS ‘DEATH’ REALLY HEALTH CARE?Thanks to expansive pro-abortion federal policies, Big Pharma and the Abortion Cartel will soon officially join forces to radically expand abortion across the nation by offering the abortion chemical drug cocktail by prescription.
It is a two part chemical drug protocol. The first pill, mifepristone, kills the unborn child by interrupting progesterone, a hormone responsible for maintaining the placenta nourishing the child. Days later, the pregnant woman takes the second pill, misoprostol, to induce powerful uterine contractions to expel the dead or dying baby. Together, this drug cocktail is approved by the FDA for use up to 70 days (10 weeks) into pregnancy.
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (or REMS) is an FDA safety oversight strategy to ensure that the benefits of certain drugs outweigh the risks. The FDA has required a REMS strategy for mifepristone since its original approval in 2000. Since then, the FDA has weakened REM specifics over the years. Until recently, the FDA had required “qualified providers” in certain healthcare settings such as clinics or hospitals to dispense mifepristone in person.
The Daily Signal explains abortion pills weren’t treated like typical prescription drugs.
Abortion providers would affirmatively “opt in” to be able to prescribe them. For many years, that largely contained abortion-pill provision to abortion clinics, not rank-and-file primary care doctors or OB-GYNs.
In December 2021, the FDA weakened the REMS, opening the door to telemedicine abortion and abortion pills by mail. The agency signaled it would create a policy for retail pharmacies to become certified to distribute abortion pills.
Now that policy is in the works:
The new REMS describes the administrative and compliance requirements for the pharmacy certification process.
In practice, it means that a woman can have a telemedicine chat with an abortion-pill prescriber, then fill the prescription at a local pharmacy without being seen in person by a health care provider before obtaining the pills.
Shortly after the new year, the Biden administration issued a rule allowing pharmacists to dispense the abortion-inducing pill mifepristone. Now, retail pharmacies CVS and Walgreens will become nationwide chemical abortion clinics, thanks to this latest rule change. Representatives of the pharmacy chains confirmed that they are applying to dispense the chemical drug cocktail that comprises more than half of all abortions in the nation.
According to its own website, Walgreen’s operates over 9,000 pharmacies nationwide. CVS operates over 9,900. Together, these pharmacy chains will essentially become chemical abortion clinics, dispensing the dangerous abortion drugs at over 18,000 locations nationwide.
By providing chemical abortions, Walgreens and CVS will more than triple abortion access in California alone. Walgreens has 586 store locations in California as of 2020. CVS operates1,150 pharmacies in California. That totals more than 1,700 locations.
To put that in perspective, Walgreens and CVS combined will operate more than three times the number of current abortion clinics (160) and hospitals (400) in the state, tripling abortion access in California alone.
Despite pro-abort rhetoric, abortion pills are not safe. “Mifepristone is associated with 28 deaths, thousands of serious adverse events, and more than 500 life-threatening complications—that we know of, due to weak state and federal reporting requirements.”
As reported in the Daily Signal, “the complication rate from abortion pills is four times that of a first-trimester surgical abortion. One recent study found that between 2002 and 2015, emergency room visits following a chemical abortion increased by more than 500%.”
Thank you for posting this very informative article.
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