“Citizens’ Corner”-Letters to the Editor-California AB 1022
Letter to the Editor from Sue Hecht:
“We received the updates to Assembly member Low’s potential bill (AB1102) late last week. It would amend the current state discrimination statute (Section 12940 of the Government Code) by specifying that CA employers can require Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 vaccines as a condition of employment for all employees, interns, apprentices or those seeking unpaid work experience, as well as require a vaccine passport option, specifically the SMART Health Card reader. (Language is underlined on pages 13-14)
Make sure you are active on the ‘Yes on the Recall’ Campaign through ‘Rescue California’. Regardless of your political affiliation, you should be concerned about the future of California if Governor Newsom is not recalled. Our legislature, both the Assembly and Senate, have a super-Democratic majority and our Governor is also a Democrat, which means there are no checks and balances. Anything the Democrats want to do they will get done. Furthermore, Governor Newsom has declared a State of Emergency since March 2020. If Governor Newsom is not recalled, you will be guaranteed more vaccine mandates, more lockdowns, and more restrictions on businesses. There are strong replacement candidates, who have spoken out against mandated vaccines and who have said they would stop the ‘state of emergency’- immediately. The change will come regardless of who is elected, but that can only happen if Governor Newsom is recalled.
California’s Last Stand: Sacramento Rally Opposing Medical Mandates
Wednesday, September 8, 10-3, Sacramento Capitol “