BULLETIN BOARD: Last call for Parity Politics at the Ruth Hassell Thompson Institute for Civic Engagement

Dear Friend:
We are closing the class registration for the Parity Politics Class at The Ruth Hassell Thompson Institute for Civic Engagement on Friday, 10/1 at 5pm EST. It is the most comprehensive online political learning masters level seminar. Here are the specifics of what is needed to apply, students should submit:
• Their headshot
• Their Resume
• And their 1page “Why?” essay (why the want to Run for public office or why they want to become a Campaign Manager.)
Please send these 3 registration items in one email to: Sharon@Crewomen.org
Each of these endorsement clips are 2-4 min:
Melba Moore
Deborah Hughes, Susan B Anthony Museum
Governor Kathy Hochul
Kenneth Morris Jr (3x) Great Grandson of Frederick Douglass
2021 Collaborative Partners of the Ruth Hassell Thompson Institute for Civic Engagement:
• The Frederick Douglass Family initiatives
• The Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust
• The Women of Global Change
• The Museum of Political Corruption
• Powerful Voices (APP)
• Empowering Women, Encouraging Faith and
Embracing ourselves (3eslifestyleonline.com)
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