Families who Have Adopted Kids with Special Needs Need Urgent Help this Winter

Above is a picture of one of Ann’s friends – Hannah. As you can see, Hannah’s body hasn’t allowed her to live out her dreams – so her parents took her for surgery and therapy.
Hannah After

And that’s where The Ann Children’s Fund stepped in, helping cover the specialized therapy Hannah needed. This picture, taken shortly after surgery, was just the first step for a joyful girl who now lives her dream of walking – and dancing!
The Ann Children’s Fund (www.annfund.org) provides hope and help for adoptive children with special medical needs. The organization has been able to make big difference in many lives this year, including helping Hannah walk! See here story here: Ann Stories Last month we were able to help the W family with four months of mortgage payments after their dad, the family’s breadwinner, suddenly passed away.
This holiday season there are many families who need emergency aid! The Ann Children’s Fund meets the needs directly by paying the actual invoices rather than providing cash and in the next two weeks that means we need to pay nearly $10,000 to cover emergency needs of some very special people–families who have adopted children with serious medical conditions.
Here are just some of the immediate needs:
A dear family in Louisiana requires a wheelchair ramp for their adopted son who just had major surgery.
A family with three adopted children with serious medical conditions needs a new transmission in their car so that they can get the kids to medical appointments and to school.
A family in Georgia needs their furnace repaired as the cold weather has arrived.
A single mom who is raising two children with very serious medical needs requires assistance for physical therapy costs for a child who is recovering from surgery.
A family in Maryland with two children has requested gas cards to help with the rising fuel costs as they take the children to therapy and doctor appointments many times each week.
All the families we help ALWAYS need gas cards to help with the fuel costs to get their children to numerous physical therapy and doctor appointments. A $25 or $50 gas card may seem like a small thing to some people, but to a family struggling to cope with inflation and medical bills it can be just the boost they need.
These are such special people who adopt children with serious illnesses and special medical needs. We are thankful for these loving parents who adopt the children that often would languish in foster care or in international orphanages.
Donations can be made through our website Donate (paypal.com)