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November 11, 2020

“Leadership Change Represents Opportunity for U.S. to Improve its Pandemic Response; Defeating Pandemic is Prerequisite for Success in Domestic and Foreign Affairs”

My op-ed “Controlling the COVID-19 pandemic is the main challenge facing the Joe Biden administration and American society” sparked a lot of controversy on Twitter. However, I stand by my position: Biden’s election represents an opportunity for the U.S. to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control. I hope that my friends on …

November 9, 2020

“Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic is the Main Challenge Facing the Biden Administration”

In March 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, I offered the White House some urgent suggestions regarding how to control the epidemic. My main ideas can be summarized as follows: The epidemic should be deemed a national security issue and responded to as such. …

November 5, 2020

“The FDA Will Not Inspect Vaccine Production Plants”

Approval of a vaccine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically requires inspection of the vaccine’s manufacturing plants. In a Covid-19 world, this will not be the case. Covid-19 vaccine candidates will get a pass on FDA plant inspections, according to Bloomberg. As candidates reach the final phases of testing, …

November 2, 2020

Naomi Wolf Interviews Joe Sackman, Candidate for NYS Assembly District 15

Watch Naomi Wolf’s Interview with Joe Sackman, Candidate for NYS Assembly District 15. In Which He Addresses Opponent Michael Montesano’s Posts Mocking Trans People, Protesters Against Immigrant Ban and Police Violence.

October 30, 2020

“The Native Title Act is a Real Threat to Preventing Climate Change”

The dominant cause of climate change is greenhouse emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and coal. The wellbeing and health of people is negatively impacted from air and water pollution. Legislation in Alaska and Australia has failed to protect the right to land ownership of the Indigenous people of …

Iziah Explains

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